
Friday, April 18, 2014

"Beautiful and Treacherous" by Dinner Music For The Gods

For our perusal today we have a cd of instrumental guitar music. Some of my favorite guitarists have forewent vocals on their albums, John 5, Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, and more.

Who are these people?

No idea.

Beyond their names, the fact that a pair of brothers with the surname Pappa handle the lead guitar and bass guitar...well there's nothing else to explain about who they are, where they are from and all that jazz.

Speaking of jazz though, this album, like most instrumental guitar records, is not precisely metal. It's not precisely rock. They call it a fusion of just about every genre of music that can be named, and then toss in a few that don't even have guitars in them....and you'd be getting close.

Bass player out front?
This album starts off lush and full. It does not have that typical instrumental guitar feel. It's almost more like Powerglove.

The songs aren't really instrumental guitar per se, as much as they are just instrumentals. As we're talking about fairly heavy music, yes the guitar is the main focus, but there are no Joe Satriani styled 5 minute solos here.

The album has many moods and feels. From heavy crunch, to jazz styled musical conversations, to calypso swings, and here and they pay homage to their heroes.

As you peruse the track listing, yes that's the same Kashmir that Led Zeppelin did. Like Jimi Hendrix did with Cream's Sunshine of Your Love, they played the intros, the choruses, and then riffed on the melodies. During the final track, they even threw in some choice cuts from Iron Maiden's Ace's High!

Dinner Music For The Gods isn't like everyone else in metal or even in instrumental metal. They're Ferdinand Magellan in a world of Francis Drakes. Meaning, they choose to go somewhere new instead of just stealing from others.

Release: 2/24/11
Genre: Metal
Label: DIY
Run time: 45:36
Facebook link

Track list:
1) Beautiful and Treacherous
2) Sofia
3) Kashmir
4) Winterfell
5) Wind Through the Trees
6) The Tower
7) Queenshead
8) Ghost Troopers in the Sky 
Music and videos can be previewed here.

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