
Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Interview: Jeremy Pinnell Tells His Stories

Last month, I received an email regarding a man from Ohio and Kentucky.

Still my grasp of geography confuses me as to how these states touch. Please don't point me towards a map and attempt to dispel my ignorance on this one.

The email said something to the effect of I know you're not too big on country, but would appreciate if you could give this one a listen.

The email went on to explain how Pinnell lived in both Ohio and Kentucky. He'd gone through some rough patches in his life, but what struck me was how honest he was about his life in his songs. Further emails told me that he won't talk about these periods in his life.

He'll only sing about them. He's given us a window into his life and his experiences. Here's what he had to tell me about OH/KY.

Glacially Musical: Let's start off pretty simply and easy. Tell me about yourself and your musical influences.

Jeremy Pinnell:  I grew up in Northern Kentucky and most of my influences came from church.

GM: Your album, musically, is classic country, but your vocals don't fit the standard mold. Where do you think your style comes from?

JP: I'm trying not to sound like an asshole, I listen to such a different variety of music that it is hard to pinpoint one style. 

I know I'm definitely not doing anything that no ones ever done.

GM: I called "OH/KY" a concept album, would you agree with me? Granted I meant it in the loosest sense of the term..haha.

JP: I didn't even think of the album that way. 

It's just a bunch of songs from a period of hard luck to the beginning of a rebirth. I'm looking toward moving forward.

GM: The songs are under a grey cloud. Could you write a happy tune about coming home, like Johnny Cash's "Hey Porter?"

JP: A man suggested I write about something different which is strange to me. I recently began writing about the life I am blessed with today. 

Something has taken place. 

GM: How much of the guitar on the album is you and where did you learn to play?

JP: I played acoustic on the entire album. I enjoy the writing more. My father taught me a little and always encouraged me. 

GM: I was once told to manage my personal demons by keeping a journal. Write it down in order to let it go. Did you find that to be a good way of letting go of your past?

JP:  I write every night to review my behavior. To see how I am treating others. 

Am I being helpful? Did I not treat people right? 

These are the things that help me move forward. It's not easy for a guy like me. 

GM: Do you think you have it in you to write fictitious song?

JP:  I guess I could? 

A man once said that experience is a thing of supreme value in life. I've always said that if you were honest people could tell,

That's where you connect. 

GM: What is your overall message on this record?

JP: I don't know about a message but I'm looking forward and I want to move forward and be there for my family. 

GM: When the last song plays, the final chords ringing in our ears, what do you hope we took away from your music?

JP: I hope you heard the truth about what I was. 

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