
Friday, October 20, 2017

LP Review: "Songs of Snark & Despair" by Seth Kibel

Songs of Snark & Despair
The call from the Right Wing of American Politics for years has been that artists, Hollywood Actors, and musicians should refrain from speaking about politics.

Then racists from Duck Dynasty, has been rockers like Ted Nugent, and pedophiles from reality shows have become hangers on and GUESTS at The State of the Union by Republican Congressmen.

In the truest height of hypocrisy, after hearing for eight years about how President Obama was too inexperienced to be the leader of the free world, the Republicans nominated and the Electoral College, with some help from Vladimir Putin, installed a man who's greatest accomplishment was being a game show host as President of the United States of America.

Seth Kibel
And we're still hearing about how musicians, actors, etc should stay out of politics. Well, let's be thankful that they're not listening to America's very own Dear Leader.

After Donald Trump's Electoral College victory, I remarked inwardly, that his installation would be a boon for music.

So, here we are with our third Anti-Donald Trump album. The first was funk, then black metal, and now it's big band jazz!

Seth Kibel assembled a cast of characters to create an album that discusses all of the failures of Donald Trump in his first 9 months as president.

Racism, border walls, etc are all detailed with some beautiful singing, with a rotating cast of singers, and glorious instrumentation. The songs are reminiscent of the old Big Band days.

Aside from some truly delicious music, this album gives voice to the nearly 70% of Americans who disapprove of Donald J Trump's job as president of the United States.

What's great about  this post, is now that I've mentioned his name, there will be literally thousands of page views from Russia.

Just like every time I mention his name on Twitter. Russia looks at me.

Release: 11/08/17
Genre: Jazz
Label: Azalea City Recordings


  1. Thanks so much for the review! I appreciate it, bigly!

    1. I only say what I mean 100%!

      Let's check the Russian Bots clicks today.... shocking...None...hmm... TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP
