
Monday, August 13, 2018

Road Warriors with Jim Gregory of Solium Fatalis

Coming up in October, the latest album by Blackend Melodic Death Metal Band, Solium Fatalis, Genetically Engineered to Enslave, drops via Bancamp.

If you're into the metals, you can pre-order that HERE.

Genetically Engineered to Enslave is the fourth album from the New Hampshire quartet.

Their latest release features some cameo appearances by some of Extreme Metal's most famous faces. Track 5, A Gathering of Storms, features assists from Matt McGachy of Cryptopsy and Haydee Irizarry of CHTHE'ILST. Ask them what McGachy is like in person FACEBOOK.

1. What's the right length for a tour?

Two weeks is good but if the bill is right then ALL ETERNITY!

2. I've heard some great stories about strange ways of eating on the road. What's your trick to keeping your belly full while out there?

I’ve taken MRE’s on the road which the military uses and stands for Meals Ready to Eat. The problem is if you eat them for too long you are going to have quite the adventure shitting that cinder block out.

3. Tell me about the best club you've played? The worst? Names can be left out, or in...whichever.

The best venue we played is always a combination of two things, sound and fans. But the fans can really make a show so Piranha Bar was killer, Saint Vitus, Stone Church, Riffhouse Pub were all sick.

The worst was this shit hole in Baltimore that maybe held 30 people and the gig got canceled because someone clogged the toilets. I shit you not.

Pun intended.

4. Whenever I get behind the wheel of a car for a long drive, I always play a Mitch Hedberg comedy album. What's your routine?

Audio books rule, random calls to friends and family, and in terms of band shit, when we’re in the van pulling pranks on them like waiting for them to fall asleep, then slamming on the brakes and screaming WE’RE ALL GONNA FUCKING DIE!!!!!!

5. How do you settle band fights while in the backseat of the van?

I’m lucky enough to be in a band that doesn’t fight but we did help start fights with other bands but settling them is not an issue for me....if you ever meet me you’ll know why.

6. Tell us about the best response you've gotten outside of your home town.

Vermont and Montreal totally ruled. A lot but Revere Mass and Boston are always good for us. Just a human tornado of shit and they made it rule, promoters treated us well.

No aliens tried to abduct Ryan and probe his nethers again. Saltzman didn’t beat up some dude in a biker gang again, and Demarco hooked up with some ladies that enabled him to have a 4 way and because he’s such a raving lunatic sex addict it really calmed him down for the remainder of the tour.

7. Have you ever played in St. Louis?

No, you want us to? Let’s make a deal. We shall play St Louis if we get to eat BBQ and Demarco gets his usual harem of prostitutes.

They don’t have to be high quality I promise.

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