
Friday, November 9, 2018

Foods We Love with Lords of the Trident

It's quite common for me to write around lunch time and as my belly is now uncomfortably full, it's probably time to get back with a nice interview about the extreme deliciousness that Lords of the Trident likes to enjoy.

You might recall this interesting power metal band out of Madison, WI. They're the self-described "most metal band on the planet."

Considering they appear on stage in armor, that might not be too far from the most literal truth, but that would depend on what their stage togs are made from I suppose, but who's hungry?

1. For me, lunch is usually the meal where I don't have to deal with the Napoleon of Food. So it's my favorite meal. What's your best meal of the day?

When I’m on the road, usually dinner! It’s a golden opportunity to grab a local burger and sample the local ale of whatever place we’re currently pillaging.

Hard to get the same opportunity to sample something genuinely local for any other meal.

2. What's your most important meal of the day?

The pre-show beer is my most important meal, haha!

3. In St. Louis have a local delicacy called the slinger. What's your hometown's delicacy? We prefer this to be an expose...tell us what only the locals know.

Madison, Wisconsin is home to undeniably the best burger I’ve ever had in my immortal life. The Brasserie V gastropub on Monroe street makes Belgian-inspired meals, and their burger is the stuff of legend.

All ingredients are fresh and local, and they’re the only kitchen I’ve ever seen do a medium-well burger correctly. Not that I order my burgers medium-well...I’m more of a medium-rare man myself.

But medium-well is really difficult to nail perfectly, and they did it.

4. Breakfast. When I'm not taking down a slinger, it's all about bacon and breakfast potatoes/hash browns in my house. What about you?

I make the most amazing metal breakfast around. Ask any band who’s stayed with us, and they’ll agree.

My menu: at least 3 different kinds of muffins, at least 2 types of bacon (usually maple and peppered), garlic-parmesan-asiago cheese bread, fresh cheese curds, black forest ham and sharp cheddar scrambled eggs, and to top it all off - dill-parmesan-garlic hash browns.

It’s perfect.

5. I like my coffee cold and my tea with milk in it. What's your preferred caffeine delivery device?

I’m more of a cold drink man, so I enjoy a good energy drink. Usually rock star or red bull.

6. I've largely stopped drinking soda, because I could use those calories for beer. Where are you at here?

If I’m drinking soda, it’s the zero calorie type. Gotta save up those beer calories!

7. Best beer/spirit/whatever?

That’s hard, because I do a whole beer review show on our Patreon! My favorite beer of all time is the Goose Island Bourbon County Stout.

8. I'm a Philistine when it comes to pairings. I just drink what I want with my food. What about you?

I think there are certain pairings that just don’t make sense, but in general, I tend not to follow too many rules when choosing drinks for my meal. I go where the wind takes me!

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