
Friday, December 7, 2018

Beer Thirty with Fall's Jesse Santos

Do you like some melody with your metal?

Are there times when the wall of sound just begins to crush your ears and you can no longer differentiate the difference between Mayhem and Bathory?

That totally happens to me. That's why I listen to records the same way I drink my beer. If I have a giant overly hoppy IPA up for the drinking, it's the last one I drink.

(That is of course unless I've got some beers I don't love too much...then you drink the giant hops of the DIPA and your taste buds are burnt.)

Life is all about those tips and tricks. Corpus Cristi's Fall is band that you check out before you put on the black metal.

On December 21st, they'll be releasing their new record, The Dream of Tragedy. Do yourself a solid. Get over to BANDCAMP and sample the wares.

But, while you wait for your order to arrive, let's chew the hops.

1. My personal favorite beer style is the might Double India Pale Ale. The best DIPA in the world is STLIPA by Urban Chestnut. Tell me about your favorite style.

When I was younger I loved dark beers but I’ve grown to love a simple, light and flavorful beer. Shiner (a brewery in Texas) Blonde has become a go-to when going out to bars, during gigs and just hanging out with friends. 

2. Many international people have laughed at me for this, but American Beer is the best in the world. Not American Lagers, that piss water is best used for drinking 15 of them while you're at the karaoke bar, but American Craft Beer. Which nation is pumping out the best beer?

Gonna have to give it the guys at Shiner. Absolutely love what they come out with. 

3. Even though I'm a giant beer snob, I'll drink beers that break the Bavarian Purity Laws. My personal favorite is Schalfly's Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout. It's a might 22oz of 10% ABV Stout aged in bourbon barrels. It'll warm your heart and soul. 

What beers do you love that break Reinheitsgebot?

Well, first - I don’t know any of the laws regarding this. 

So I’m just going to assume that I’m breaking every rule in that book with what I drink. 

I’ve gotta try this Imperial Stout, my soul and heart need a good warming! 

4. Right now, you couldn't pin me down and get me to give my favorite St. Louis Brewery, though Urban Chestnut's STLIPA does put them in the lead...but if you put a gun to my head,it's Schlafly Brewing. What do you think of your local brewers?

Some breweries are starting to pop up around the Corpus Christi area. Notably the Lorelei Brewery is going places. 

They’ve growing a nice selection of beers and they even helped us on a few showcases. Great guys! 

5. Hops or Malt? Personally, I feel like a jerk for asking the question. Give me a malty Scottish/Scotch Ale or a hoppy DIPA...and I'm happy...but you gotta pick one.

Gonna have to go with Malt. 

6. Whenever I'm road tripping. I'm always bringing back beers. Ohio, Great Lakes Brewing. East Coast, Yuengling. Western New  York. Genessee. What do you bring home? 

When I tour I try to bring back beer I find in other states that I wouldn’t see in Texas. Unfortunately, I’m a bit of a boozer on the road so I end up killing them on the way back!  

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