
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Cassette Review: "Psychic Pinball" by Protovulcan

Psychic Pinball
First off, it's time for the way of the truth.

I never listened to this on the cassette version that showed in the mail. It was stared at for a time by me...with a confused look on my face.

What is this thing for?

After realizing it could be played in my wife's pretending to be vintage stereo, I emailed the band and said...umm... help me.

They shot over some digital files and here we are.

Make a tape someone said. I can assure you this is a tape.

Protovulcan is a well, they call themselves an acid rock band played on keyboards. Ok, we'll go with that. This time around, they flirted with the idea of having lyrics on their album. It's a good change, but expect to hear some Jim Morrison sound alike screaming about a monarchy of lizards.

Like the rest of the band, the vocals are very synthy. (If I didn't know better, I'd swear it was because someone is a bit ashamed of their voice, but I don't.) Regardless of the why, it sounds amazing and fits in perfectly with what they've been doing.

As for release dates, where to buy it, and the like, I'm a bit in the dark, but get to bugging them on FACEBOOK and get a copy.

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