
Thursday, January 31, 2019

Video: "Nostrum Mare (Ed deixo un pont de mar blava)" by Helevorn

When doom metal is what you need, the fellas in Helevorn have you covered. They have just released their latest record, Aamamata on vinyl, CD, and digital. You can see about picking that up HERE.

Vocalist Josep Brunet says this about the song...

This is a song about what our Mediterranean Sea was and what is nowadays… I mean, during the past times it was a sea to share, to grow, of course, there was a lot of wars, but it was our true nation, of all of us, so in this song appears eight different languages of our big cultural area (Greek, Maltese, Spanish, Arabic, Catalan, Italian, French, and Hebrew), and we had our friends and fans of the band do the vocals on it.

The lyrics for it are from a poem by Catalan writer, Miquel Martí I Pol, translated into these eight languages. The melodic vocals done by Julia Colom too are really awesome; we had goosebumps on our skin when she was recording her vocal parts. Very epic, gothic and very deep.

In the mean time, check out their latest video below:

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