
Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Bookin' It with Simon Tuozzoli of Owl Maker

Based on what's been printed on these pages regarding New England based doom band, Owl Maker, our readers may think that it's a solo band led by one Jessie May.

But it's time to answer the full question.

Did you know there are in fact three people in Owl Maker?

Today we're going to hear from burly frontman Simon Tuozzoli about, of course, BOOKS!

1. I try to read at least two books per month, and mostly fail, what's your goal and reality? 

My goal is a book every quarter -- but in reality, depending on the size of the book, it’s surprising if I read three books in a year. I’m on my second book this year, got to get my ass in gear.

2. Encyclopedia Brown and Choose Your Own Adventure books were a big part of my childhood. What did you read back in Elementary School?

I enjoyed poetry the most. My favorites were the Shel Silverstein books and this old book I had called The Book Of Nonsense.

The novels I read were accessible ones I borrowed from the library. I remember reading Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret, and it sort of freaked out my teacher.

I guess boys don’t usually do book reports on that one.

3. It's no secret that I think Harry Potter is an amazing saga, but it wasn't until after the movie for Chamber of Secrets was released that I began reading the books. What was the big thing you were late on?

I’m late to every party bookwise. I read all the Harry Potter books in a little over two months. I had a lot of time sitting in cars then.

4. My local library is amazing and I'm there pretty frequently. What do you like about your library?

The best thing about my library is that they are always tossing books out. I’ve found some amusing old books there.

5. Comic Books. Which ones are you reading?

I was reading Conan and The Goon, but they stopped printing them. I rabidly buy and read any new work by Brian Talbot. That guy is a genius.

I also read Heavy Metal because they are printing a monthly Richard Corben piece.

6. What author can you just read again and again?

William Faulkner is the perfect mix of poetry and prose. He’s pretty dark as well. I enjoy darkness. His stories are dense, which requires a lot of concentration and thought. I like that too.

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