
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Pizza Pie Do or Die with The Flaying

To our neighbors to the north, Canada, The Great White North, the hockey player incubator, let me say I love you from down here in the USA. My time spent within your borders both on business and for pleasure was wonderful.

Now, you hopefully have picked up on the fact that I'm from St. Louis, MO named after King Louis IX. Did you know that even under Spanish rule, St. Louis and the rest of Louisiana spoke French.

We basically told the Spaniards to piss off?

With that in mind, it reminds me that Quebec is awesome. Unlike us, they didn't switch to English. When the whole rest of the Canada switched to the dual languages of Your Home and Native Land, Quebec said PISS OFF, ENGLISH! 

With that said, let's check in on this brutal metal band from Quebec City, PQ, The Flaying who were kind enough to speak to us in English.

That's great, because I don't speak French yet, but I will. In the meantime, be a lamb and check out their latest record, Angry Undead would you? If that gets your pulse moving, LIKE THEM PUBLICLY!

1. Pizza is the world's most perfect food. This is not up for debate. Please define pizza as based on your geographical location.

Frosted Pizza of Death with summer spices!! Generally, seasoned with pigs remains and peppers! Cheese of the great Mother’s Milk of Canada!

2. It's going to get controversial now. Pineapple on Pizza. Why or why not? 

No, fuck pineapple, pineapple must die and get eradicated from this planet!!

3. For literally years, my family didn't order pizza from the take out places. We made Chef Boyardee boxed pizzas. After that, we only ordered St. Louis Style from Imo's. But finally, in the LATE EIGHTIES, I had Domino's Pizza. 

Tell me your tale.

(418) 522-0522!! Been ordering this number for 20 years! The Bosnia Pizza of death!! 

Been moving around in the city from city parts to city parts but Pizza would stay and keep following my address switch throughout the years

4. St. Louis Style Pizza is the perfect pizza, especially if you enjoy bragging about how much pizza you can eat, but when I'm out in other parts of the country, I seek out Chicago Style Pizza. What do you look for?

Out there we look for Asian food most often because of The Samuraï spirit before venues! Pizza is for hometown and our Pizza of Death religion

5. Pepperoni started giving me heartburn. So I switched to green peppers or onions. What's your go-to topping?

All dressed!!

6. What do you look for in pairing beer with your pie?

To not explode from gluten!! 

To stay fit so I can get Victoria Lomba s attention!! But usually, I really don’t give a fuck 'cause I don’t pair pizza and beer! 

I think it’s a non-human way to slowly die! I pair beer and vodka with other elements of the periodic table and mix it all and then Pizza of life comes in control of the situation.

1 comment:

  1. Pizza & poutine? Yes please! This was hilarious and informative, merci
