
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Eastern Cuisine with Klayton and Sam of Victus

In an effort to continue stumping bands whilst combining some of my favorite things, welcome to the latest column on Glacially Musical. 

The ineptly titled: Eastern Cuisine.

Asian foods have long been a staple in my life. Teriyaki chicken and miso soup is something I've been cooking at home for decades. Though I've yet to really nail it, I keep trying to cook fried rice as well, but I always seem to be missing something.

Japan's take on Curry, Golden Curry, has been something loved by my family, but for the most part, what makes Asian foods so spectacular, for me anyway, is that my ability to cook them is basically nil.

So in order to enjoy it, we're going to the restaurant.

English band Victus was the first to give their take on the giant family of foods on the other side of Hawaii and let's check it out bellow.

Don't forget to like the boys on FACEBOOK and don't dream of streamin' without heading over to BANDCAMP.

1. We are all brought up eating Chinese Food. What's your go to order from the Chinese Takeout place?

KD: Don’t think I ever had Westernised Chinese food until emigrating to the UK at the age of 16 from the states. 

Growing up, our kitchen usually consisted of lasagna, perogies, stews, BIG salads, pork chops. Nowadays, I can dig it - crispy shredded beef, lemon garlic chicken and if I’m feeling saucy, Kung Po Shrimp.

SBB: Crispy shredded beef, Yung chow rice with chicken on sesame seed toast.

2. For basically all of my young life into early adulthood, I never really ate any Far Eastern cuisines apart from Americanized Chinese Food. What was your gateway food?

KD: Growing up I really loved raw carrots and broccoli with ranch dip. Moms meatloaf was the best

SBB: I was mainly raised on Italian food but also had quite a bit of exposure to food from other cultures in my upbringing.

My grandmother was raised in Burma and has introduced me to lots of Burmese and other Asian dishes.

3. After having tried it on my 26th birthday, Sushi, and sashimi specifically, has become basically my absolute favorite food. Tell me what you think of Japan's gift to the world.

KB: Japanese food is the best! Lived in Japan for a short span of my life so was lucky enough to eat good for real. Tuna sashimi is my go to. 

There's a great place here in Portsmouth, UK called Sakura that is decent. Yo Sushi is BULLSHIT - Don’t eat that garbage if you want good sushi

SBB: I’m a fan of sushi but always wary from where I get it. 

4. Now, a billion people cannot be wrong and that's not including the converts around the world. England, I'm looking at you. Curry. 

We're going to be needing a treatise on your attitudes and tastes regarding this Indian delight.

KB: I like proper curry’s, mainly spicy veg ones. Rajma masala or goan. 

SBB: Curry is awesome I'm quite fond of a madras, something with a bit of a kick but not so much it masks it's taste. 

5. Another food my wife kind of got me into was Vietnamese. St. Louis has a great scene here. I'm crazy into the hot pots. What's your favorite?

KB: Never tried….added to the try list.

SBB: I like a good hotpot I'd say my favourite would have to be a Lancashire hotpot! 

But I don’t think that's what you’re talking about..

6. In the end, there's a great world of food on the other side of the world. What's your favorite Asian Cuisine?

KB: Hands down, Sushi / Sashimi 

SBB: My favourite Asian cuisine in Burmese with Shan noodles being my favourite Asian dish.

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