
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pizza Pie Do or Die with Brien from Hosemen

This past April, Connecticut's Hosemen dropped their latest album via BANDCAMP.

They even made a contention that Connecticut Pizza is better than St. Louis Style.

I'm not sure if I can ever be friends with them.

You should read on.

1. Pizza is the world's most perfect food. This is not up for debate. Please define pizza as based on your geographical location. 

Connecticut is the best hands down! New Haven which is about an hour away from Stamford (our hometown) has Sally's, Modern Apizza, Frank Pepe, and Bar which was recently reviewed on bar stool sports and got really high scores.

Old school Italian brick oven, thin burnt crust pies! We live in Stamford which is famous for our thin crust pie made by the original Colony Pizza on Elm Street. Best known for their "hot oil" pizza. I grew up on it and I think thin crust is the way to go!

2. It's going to get controversial now. Pineapple on Pizza. Why or why not?

I could care less but it does taste good on certain pies as long as it is not overdone. I think small chunks are better than round cut pineapples and the pizza has to be crispy or it's a sloppy disgusting mess.

3. For literally years, my family didn't order pizza from the take out places. We made Chef Boyardee boxed pizzas. After that, we only ordered St. Louis Style from Imo's. But finally in the LATE EIGHTIES, I had Domino's Pizza. Tell me your tale.

Domino's is a pizza to order when you and your boys are drunk/high as fuck at 4 in the morning and are looking for something quick and painless.

The pie is pretty shite to be honest but it does the job. Also a place called Pieology opened up in our town recently which is the equivalent to subway but for pizza. Basically build your own pie on the spot and it stays open until 3 am.

I haven't had dominoes since and the garlic butter spread on the crust is bomb.

4. St. Louis Style Pizza is the perfect pizza, especially if you enjoy bragging about how much pizza you can eat, but when I'm out in other parts of the country, I seek out Chicago Style Pizza. What do you look for?

I've never heard of St. Louis Style pizza but upon googling it I would have to say it looks like shite compared to New Haven style Pizza.

I will bet you six grand our pizza tops it. When I leave my area I look for NY style pizza and see if it can come close to what I expect.

Most of the time it doesn't but you gotta give it a try. I had NY pizza in Aspen Colorado which actually suprised me but hey I was also really stoned and drunk. I haven't tried deep dish yet but it looks too sloppy and I hate sloppy shit.

5. Pepperoni, started giving me heartburn. So I switched to green peppers or onions. What's your go to topping?

I do like green peppers and onions as well, sometimes I'll go with bacon or meatball.

I recently had a salad pizza which I hate to say was pretty good hahaha. I'll only eat a salad pizza if I want to feel healthy for once.

6. What do you look for in pairing beer with your pie?

Beer and Pizza will never get old especially a nice cold PBR with a chilled glass. I think a light lager goes best. Forget IPA's and a stout may be to heavy to eat with pizza but I'm unsure.

I may have to try a Guinness with a nice thin crust Connecticut Colony Pie. 

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