
Thursday, October 10, 2019

Pizza Pie Do or Die with The Last Reign

The Last Reign
One of my favorite cities in this country is Buffalo, NY. A few years back, I'd get up there every so often to visit a friend.

There's some absolutely awesome food (stinger pizzas), beer (Saranac Brewing), and sports (Sabres, Bison, and Bandits) in that unsung town. 

In many ways it reminds me of St. Louis, but with significantly more snow.

They also continue to have Tim Horton's locations...

So, today we're talking to The Last Reign about pizza and they didn't even mention the vaunted Stinger Pizza even once.

Oh well. On Friday they're dropping their newest EP on BANDCAMP and you should check that out if you're into death metal.

1. Pizza is the world's most perfect food. This is not up for debate. Please define pizza as based on your geographical location.

Everybody knows that Buffalo has some of the best food in the USA and the pizza here is no different!

While other states will make these strange, thin-crust pieces of cardboard with random toppings, in Buffalo our pizza is much like the majority of our women; full figured and greasy as hell! We have to pack on a few extra pounds for the winter hibernation in case we get stuck in our homes by 12 feet of snow.

The pizza around here is the best way to do that, piles of pepperoni, cheese, thick-ass dough, and enough grease to power a Prius for a month!

2. It's going to get controversial now. Pineapple on Pizza. Why or why not? 

There is nothing wrong with pineapple pizza aside from the fact that pizza should mostly consist of cheese and meat, not fruits and vegetables, it somewhat defeats the purpose.

I don't know why pineapple on pizza is so hated by the internet, personally I think it's a wonderful combination of sweet and savory!

I'm assuming that most pineapple pizza haters have never tried it and don't know what they are missing!

3. For literally years, my family didn't order pizza from the take out places. We made Chef Boyardee boxed pizzas. After that, we only ordered St. Louis Style from Imo's. But finally in the LATE EIGHTIES, I had Domino's Pizza. Tell me your tale. 

First off, Domino's pizza falls into the category of cardboard with toppings. If you want real pizza, Domino's is not the place to go.

I would highly recommend a place that only sells pizza, subs and wings. Nation-wide chain pizza places are the worst. Anyhow, I do not remember when I had my first slice of awesomeness but it was likely from one of the many great locally owned pizza places in Buffalo.

I do recall making homemade pizza which is sometimes even better if you use the right ingredients, to hell with Chef Boyardee!

4. St. Louis Style Pizza is the perfect pizza, especially if you enjoy bragging about how much pizza you can eat, but when I'm out in other parts of the country, I seek out Chicago Style Pizza. What do you look for? 

In Buffalo the pizza tends to lean more towards the thicker crust Chicago style. Personally, the thicker the crust, the better the pizza!

5. Pepperoni, started giving me heartburn. So I switched to green peppers or onions. What's your go to topping? 

My friend, get some antacids and suck it up buttercup because it gets much better than just pepperoni! Add some bacon and-or sausage, take a few Tums, and call me in the morning!

If your heart is still beating of course.

6. What do you look for in pairing beer with your pie? 

There is really no wrong choice of beer when it comes to pairing with pizza, it is a very versatile food in that respect.

I honestly do not have a preference in this matter, anything from a thin lager to a stout so thick that you can chew it will do nicely!

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