
Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Vinyl Review: ST 37 "Self-Titled"

This week has been interesting because we've gone from the fewest number of people that can be performing together...that's two by the way all the way up to now six people.

There are SIX people in this band.

Then, there are even four extra people on here.

I'll fully cop to being a curmudgeon, but I don't know another 2 people that I'm willing to give my time to in order to make a musical project, much less another 9.



ST 37 is basically the Wu Tang Clan of whatever the hell kind of music this is that they're playing. Speaking of the music....let's move in to that area shall we.

A brief internet search has them listed as being a psych rock band.

For me, that's never really made any sense and that might have something to do with having been a South St. Louis Rugrat...

PSYCH! (Or sike as we spelled it...) meant that we were just joking. It was a particularly cruel joke when you told your friend they could have your chocolate milk....but you just psyched them out.

I don't know if you did this where you are from.

So, is this a Rock Band, but just joking?

Then what do they do? They give us a double record, but it's not like one of those double PSYCH records where it's really  just barely more than a single LP and they're just tossing in another disc because they wouldn't cut Toys or What Every Girl Wants....

Each side on this set is around twenty minutes long, but never over.

When one considers the songs that are there. It appears more than anything to have been an Edgar Allen Poe story.

In more ways than one.

Not only is their album extra long, overly complex, but it's also crazy. Just like Edgar Allen Poe short stories were way too long, the sentence structures were overly complicated, and most of the narrators were wholly unreliable due to being insane for some reason.

And both Poe and ST 37 are thrilling.

So this comparison is exceptionally apt.

It's also a lot like this review. All over the place.

When you've got an overeager bunch of musicians with several different specialties and instruments, that's what you're going to have and in the end is there really anything else you can make apart from psych rock?

But what matters in the end is if the tunes do anything for you and I can say for certain that ST 37 is an exciting ride across four sides.

Find out where it takes you.

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