
Friday, January 3, 2020

1 Up With Forever Autumn

Honestly, it's been a minute since we've heard from Forever Autumn.

They're acoustic doom or neo folk.

If that's got you curious...check out their BANDCAMP page. Head into their woods. You'll be glad you did.

But of course.

Let's get to the meat of this and the total antithesis of this band....electronic games.

Glacially Musical: My first system was a pong clone, the yellow and black Odessey 300. What was your first Console?

When I waes a little girl, my grandmother had an Atari 2600 that all of us kids would play.  I remember in 1980-something when she brought home the NES and how in awe we were of this amazing technology.  

Having upgraded, she gave us the Atari 2600, to which I still play today. That waes my first console.

GM: My stepdad was certain we'd destroy the TV playing Pong so we had to play it in secret, either when he was a sleep or when he was out of the house. Did you have to jump through any hoops to play games?

Back to the above scenario; my father is one of fifteen kids, so as you can imagine, there were many of us cousins running about.  

When playing the Atari, and subsequently the Nintendo, we used a small kitchen tymer and had to tyme all of our turns to make sure ev'ryone got a chance.  

That waes the biggest hoop I believe, but we did encounter friends with similar situations to yours.

GM: What about hand held games? Is that something you ever got into?

Yes, I did get into handheld games.  Growing up, we didn't have the money for a lot of fancy things, but we did have those little TigerLCD handheld games.  

My favourite waes Ninja Gaiden, though I had a Ninja Turtles game that waes enjoyable too.  It waesn't until I started driving that I got my first gameboy (I found it in the back of one of my first cars). 

I acquired a DSi in the recent past from a friend and have even come to contemporary culture with a Nintendo Switch!, though methinks I like the DS more.

GM: The idea of not being able to play something drove me nuts, so I started playing games in their original Japanese. Did you ever get into imports?

I tried the import thing but never got too far.  

I am still of the mind that I will one day learn Japanese and open up to a wealth of undiscovered games, mostly for Dreamcast and Saturn, but others too.  I suppose I should finish with my Sanskrit first...

GM: What's your favorite sports game?

NES sports games could be enjoyable but beyond that I would purposefully avoided them.  I did however enjoy Blades of Steel and Baseball Stars on the NES, and it turns out that Realsports: Tennis on the Atari 2600 is a whole lot of fun!

GM: Dragon Warrior got me hooked on turn based RPGs, something that's still happening. What's your favorite style of game and what was the first one you played?

Dragon Warrior is a great game, and the DragonQuest series that spawned from it is quite good too.  I do enjoy turn-based RPGs.  I am currently playing Phantasy Star on the Sega Master System and enjoying ev'ry minute of it.  

In my humble opinion, I feel that they just don't make them like they used to.  My favourite style of game would probably have to go with the RPG's, though I have a thing for puzzle games too, like Tetris, or Columns, and the like.


GM: Favorite system?

Difficult to say.  There is a great catalogue on the original Nintendo, but I've always been a Sega-girl myself.  

I really do enjoy the Dreamcast but might just have to label the Sega Genesis as a favourite, though the title of 'favourite' is known to travel in my video game world.

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