
Monday, May 11, 2020

5 Min Origin Stories with Turbo's Evan Frizzle

Check out the upcoming LP from Turbo. It's the only album that can be inspired by Black Sabbath and be called Fast As Fvck.

Still trying to work that out.

You can preorder it on BANDCAMP and preview the record.

1. Is there an event you can point to you that made you say, wow, that's the instrument I want to play? Not like guitar or drums, but the reason why you play the model you do?

I (Evan Frizzle) believe in a "the wand chooses the wizard" kind of mentality when it comes to picking your specific instrument or what-have-you. 

Like I for one didn't KNOWINGLY know I'd be so into Jackson guitars or even strat-shapes for that matter until I tried one and it just plain worked with my playing style better. Before that I was using V's and Explorer shapes and I found sitting down with the things to be downright impractical ahaha, but then our other shred man Lindsey Dicks feels an entirely different way about them. 

So I think it all depends on the person, and there's no specific reason. You just like what you like.

2. How do you write a song?

Oh my god, how much TIME do you have... this is another very non-specific answer to an incredibly broad question I feel like. 

Because there's really no one way we go about it. More often than not, someone will bring a riff to rehearsal and we'll slap a simple verse-to-chorus structure around it and then try to hash that out until it's interesting. 

We'll come up with an idea for a chorus and a middle section and then we'll do an extremely rough room-recording of us playing the song. Then we'll all take it home to try and make things more interesting. 

I usually come up with lyrics just writing on my phone when I'm on the bus or on break at work or even just on the way to somewhere walking. And then of course, the song will have to get frankenstein'd a bit again to go with the lyrics better, we'll slap an ender on it and we'd love to say that's a wrap. 

Truth be told, we'll probably come in AGAIN with finer details within the parts we already have to try and sneak in and make things sound fresher ahaha it's a lot of work!

3. How many concept records do you own? Could you ever write one?

I own zounds of them, I honestly love concept records. We COULD write one, but that begs the answer as to whether or not we SHOULD write one. 

I don't know if Turbo is that kind of band, at least not yet. But it COULD/SHOULD be a conversation we have in the future without a doubt. But in the past, I've always thought about/talked about writing a concept album.

I think it'd be a challenge to adapt a band's sound to a story, and that excites me. So we'll see...

4. Who's influence is most evident in your music? The least?

Most: Tom Jones - Sex Bomb
Least: Tom Jones - It's Not Unusual

5. Which one of your songs is the one your the most proud of?

All of them ahaha. I can't really pick one so broadly, we built them from the ground up and like them all. There are certain ways in which I like each one that differs from the others, but to be honest, I don't think we can rightly pick a favorite child, so-to-speak.

6. Sum up your latest record for us.

Fast as Fvck is a master blaster disaster-caster, but faster than that, sir. It's rude. It's sleazy. It ate all of your leftover pizza last night. But it's got aviators on, a full bottle of whiskey and it's ready to rage. 

7 tracks of sheer debauchery stewed in the broth of the rock and roll clusterfuck lifestyles of four sexy dudes.

 And it ate ALL your leftover pizza last night. Come hit it just once, and see if you don't feel better. 

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