
Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 Minute Origin Stories with Die Another Day

Die Another Day has released their latest EP, Wild Fire, on April 10th.

You should probably be listening to that on SPOTIFY right now. These Calgary metallers are ready rock.

While we're all waiting for the tours to get back up and going again,let's check out how it all began.

1. Is there an event you can point to you that made you say, wow, that's the instrument I want to play? Not like guitar or drums, but the reason why you play the model you do?

It was definitely seeing Avenged Sevenfold for me. After seeing interviews where the members all talk about how much time they put into getting the exact tone they know their after through their instruments and amps, it helped me understand that those do take a huge consideration into what brand you want to work with.

After seeing and hearing them live, I had to go check out Schecter’s brand - Tyler

2. How do you write a song?

So far, it’s been about getting a feeling/ emotion from a song to create the base of what I’m after. Remembering to maintain that through the whole to properly convey your message goes a long way.

Bring that foundation to the band, and really watching it grow and prosper through the minds of the people you work with is all the more exciting when you see your vision come to life.

3. How many concept records do you own? Could you ever write one?

A few that I know of, hard to keep track of all the albums purchased throughout the years but American Idiot by Green Day, and Danger Days by MCR come to mind.

I think one day we could write a concept album; the collaboration between all of us as well as the idea of sticking to a central theme throughout would lead us to a much different creative process than where we are currently. - Tyler

4. Who's influence is most evident in your music?

Rise Against, Thrice, Linkin Park - Tyler
Billy Talent, Avenged Sevenfold, Lamb of God - Jared

5. Which one of your songs is the one you are the most proud of?

Fear the Future has such a different flow from our typical songs. It takes influences from more genres then we usually write like, but still feels very much like a Die Another Day song.

I can’t wait to hear people’s reactions to this one. - Tyler

Razorblades because it’s a heavy-hitting song with a strong message that hit home for me. -Jared

6. Sum up your latest record for us. 

This our debut EP, 6 tracks worth of hard-hitting tunes that delve into multiple influences and strike many personal/ emotional chords for us as a band.

From start to finish, we always seek to grow and improve these songs into something that we are proud of, something that we think people can feel a connection with.

It’s going to make you want to mosh, headbang, and sing along to. - Tyler

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