
Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Pandemic Dispatches with Yanomamo

Let's be honest here. We're living through the kind of sickness that's causing all sorts of distress in the world. The toll being taken by this disease is significant.

I won't go into what I've lost and all that sort of stuff, but this needs to be said.

The vast majority of the bands I cover, for lack of a better term are dad rock. They're the folks that don't do this full time and have to hustle their asses off.

In the past 3 months, news, tours, album pressings, etc have all slowed down to a halt. So, in my eternal foolishness, it seemed like a logical idea to look back at the bands and see how they're dealing in with all of this.

Today, we hear from Yanomamo. Check out their BANDCAMP.

1. How are things going where you are? The laws and such. 

We all live in Sydney, New South Wales in Australia. Australia has had 100 deaths from COVID19, so compared to other countries we have been lucky. Some restrictions are just starting to be lifted now.

2. How long have you been sheltering in place at this time? 

We've been on lockdown for 2 months, which includes working from home & only venturing out for essentials. As an introvert, I've quite enjoyed the lockdown, though it can be tough at times.

3. What has been cancelled on you that you were looking forward to? 

Pretty much everything! But no live music & gyms being closed has hit me the hardest.

Luckily, I have a home gym of sorts, but there is nothing that can be done about not having live music.

4. How have you been passing the time indoors? 

Apart from working, I've been writing loads of new riffs for future songs & also learning the intricacies of ProTools so that I can become better at music production.

5. Loads of artists have been talking about how they're being creative. When the lockdown is over are ya gonna be ready to hit up the studio? 

Fortunately, we hit the studio & completed recording our new EP, No Sympathy for a Rat, just before COVID19 hit us. We are super pscyed about getting it released & doing the live shows to support its release. As a band, we exist for live shows!

6. What crazy projects have you been considering since you've been in quarantine? 

Well, learning ProTools will enable me to do any project I want basically! But it will be interesting to see what Yanomamo churns out after this is all over ... we have lots of riffs to work with!

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