
Thursday, May 28, 2020

Vinyloscopy with Adam "Wally" Wollach of Fermentor

You know what's awesome?

Duos, even if as Bender Bending Rodriguez was so wont to point out, they get a little shorthanded, but that's what makes the duos who get it down with only four hands the best.

In the mean time, let's talk to San Diego, CA's Fermentor.

They're an instrumental thunderhouse who are preparing to drop a new record this summer. Here, you can preview it on BANDCAMP.

1. Listening to Black Sabbath's eponymous debut the night I got it blew me away. What's the album that sounds the best on vinyl compared to digital sources?

Lucid Interval by Cephalic Carnage slaps just right on vinyl. The opening 60 seconds will change your life.

2. I was laying in bed one night and couldn't sleep and I figured, it was time to start buying records. How did you come to the idea that it was time to start buying vinyl instead?

I’m a child of the 80s and grew up with records and cassettes. 

Over the years I lost touch with my record player, opting for CDs. One day I was gifted a large bin of vinyl and it helped reenergize my interest and then I couldn’t get enough. 

Started shopping for second hand vinyl regularly. Swap meets, thrift stores, garage sales, etc. 

These days I just spend hours perusing my favorite local record shop, Reanimated Records. 

3.For my old stuff, it's vinyl worthy, for new stuff, it's all vinyl if available. Do you buy everything on wax or do you have a vinyl worthy category?

I don’t buy everything on vinyl. If I have an album on vinyl chances are it’s because it is one of my favorites. 

4. My second living room is where I keep it all. Upstairs, my 1971 Sherwood 7100-S, Receiver,  1975 Pioneer PL-200, and 70's Sansui 5 way speakers. Tell us all about your vinyl set up.

We keep our system in the common space so we can all blast it when we want. Pioneer SA-510 receiver, Yamaha P-27 Turntable, 80’s JVC 3 l-way SP-5WD speakers. 

Very powerful system albeit a bit colored. 

But a lot of fun to listen to. 

5. Do you read the lyrics and go over the inserts when you're spinning?

It depends. When I first purchase a record I definitely spend time unpacking and pouring over the art and liners while listening. But I don’t necessarily do that every time I spin.

6. When someone says, I'm stupid for buying records, I tell them, thanks, more limited edition colored vinyl for me, what's your answer?

No one has ever told me I was stupid for buying vinyl. 

I wouldn’t put much stock in someone who did. I’d probably tell them to listen to their favorite album on vinyl and see if that changes their mind.

7. My first album ever was Live Evil by Black Sabbath, so I'm stuck on live albums. What's the best live album on vinyl?

Iron Maiden - Live After Death 

8. Tell me about your latest vinyl release. (If applicable, if not, skip)

My band Fermentor has a new album releasing digitally August 14, called Continuance which we are hoping to eventually release physically on vinyl.

Additionally, my band Beekeeper will be re-releasing our album Slaves To The Nothing on vinyl soon. 

Not as recent, but my other other band TrashAxis put out an LP for our insane album Grotesque. It is available here:

9. Listening to records is my comfort food for my soul. As mentioned earlier, I have a living room dedicated to it. I normally drink a beer or two whilst listening to music I love. 

Describe your normal listening experience.

A tumbler of whiskey. Some fragrant flowers. A quiet room. My cat in my lap and the stereo knob turned to 11.

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