
Monday, June 1, 2020

Pandemic Dispatches with Antonio from Places Around the Sun

I find the world I am living in to be terrifying. So, that's why these pandemic dispatches exist. It's worth learning how artists are dealing with this.

Today we look to Portugal and I will send you to BANDCAMP.

1. How are things going where you are? The laws and such.

Things here in Portugal are getting gradually better. The number of confirmed cases everyday is lower and all, but we’re still in a lighter form of lockdown, few businesses opened up, some schools are open and everyone is taking really shy steps outside.

I feel like our government is testing the ground, I understand that we have to get back on track so the economy doesn’t take a harsher hit than it already has taken, and I hate to feel pessimistic, but something in me tells me it might be a little too early to go out like it’s all over, like some people do. But lets see how things evolve!

2. How long have you been sheltering in place at this time?

We’ve been in lockdown for about 2 months, strangely enough I’ve been enjoying it so far, speaking for myself!

I’ve taken the time to reflect on a few things, and I feel like I’ve gained a lot emotionally!

I’m staying, since the beginning, at a friends house, because when it all started I was going through a very rough time mentally and I really needed to have somebody by my side while the world was “ending” out there!

3. What has been cancelled on you that you were looking forward to?

We didn’t have any shows booked because we were recording the new album, we got stopped in the middle of recording the vocals.

We had to take our setup home and finish all the vocals in quarantine. Since time was on our side we really took the time to make everything as perfect as we thought it could be, and I think it really paid off! 

That pressure of being in a studio and having a time crunch was simply gone and everything went smooth!

4. How have you been passing the time indoors?

Trying to focus on work and new projects! Me personally I’ve been writing a few scores for projects that were on hold, as that is my full-time job. 

We’re all doing our best to keep busy and active! Of course there are also those days we fell like doing nothing at all and lay in the couch just watching Netflix and videos on YouTube and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, it’s just as important as keeping busy! 

No shame in a little bit of procrastination!

5. Loads of artists have been talking about how they're being creative. When the lockdown is over are ya gonna be ready to hit up the studio?

Not the studio, at least not for now! We poured our souls into this new record so we’re ready to hit the stages and share with everyone who wants to hear it and have it all come into fruition! 

We know it might take a bit for shows to become a thing again, but we’ll be ready when they come!

6. What crazy projects have you been considering since you've been in quarantine?

Besides music, and trying out other sounds beyond Rock, I’ve been playing around with creating 3D textures, which is kind of a random thing, but it is something I’ve always wanted to try, it’s fun!

The rest of the band is also doing their own thing! Our drummer is taking advantage of this pandemic to finish building his home studio!

Our bassist is in his world painting his mini figures of board games and hosting Dungeons and Dragons games, like he always did!

Our guitar player started to venture out into the world of editing video, it’s been something he’s always wanted to try so he edited a few Studio reports we posted on our social media!

Everyone has been keeping active and busy!

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