
Friday, October 2, 2020

Beer Thirty with Phillip Funderburk of WoR

Groove Metal is alive and well. It's doing so well in fact that WoR dropped a groovin' and still heavy record on your head.

In fact, you can pick up this new metal spinner at all the major outlets, including the ones where you don't even spin's just air.

Check it out HERE.

But, in the the mean time, Mister Funderburk has left us a thirst trap.

1. My personal favorite beer style is the might Double India Pale Ale. The best DIPA in the world is STLIPA by Urban Chestnut. Tell me about your favorite style.

Hey this is Phil from the metal band WoR. Thanks for having us on here! 

I’m by far the biggest beer nerd in the band so Im stoked for this interview! Make sure to drink a few cold ones and listen our debut album “Prisoners” out on all platforms August 7th. Let’s talk beer!

Right now it’s hellaciosuly hot out, so a nice hoppy Saison does the trick.

I like the Amarillo dry-hopped Saison from Joymongers right here in North Carolina.

2. Many international people have laughed at me for this, but American Beer is the best in the world. Not American Lagers, that piss water is best used for drinking 15 of them while you're at the karaoke bar, but American Craft Beer. Which nation is pumping out the best beer?

I was lucky enough to go to Nuremburg for work a few years back and really enjoyed the beer culture up there. 

They’re only supposed to be brewing with a few core ingredients, it’s very fresh and you don’t get much of a hangover.

We had this delicious smoked beer in Bamberg which was epic! Highly recommended.

The US had made gigantic strides with our craft scene and we probably don’t quite have that recognition we deserve overseas yet. I’ll make sure to spread the good beer word when WoR hits the road again!

3. Even though I'm a giant beer snob, I'll drink beers that break the Bavarian Purity Laws. My personal favorite is Schalfly's Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout. It's a might 22oz of 10% ABV Stout aged in bourbon barrels. It'll warm your heart and soul.

What beers do you love that break Reinheitsgebot?

Now we’re on the same page! That sounds like a hell of a beer that will put you on your back.

I’m a sucker for the pumpkin harvest beers that come out in the fall. The Southern Tier Pumking is delicious.

4. Right now, you couldn't pin me down and get me to give my favorite St. Louis Brewery, though Urban Chestnut's STLIPA does put them in the lead...but if you put a gun to my head, it's Schlafly Brewing. What do you think of your local brewers?

Man, I’ll have to try that STILPA. The NC beer scene has exploded here in Raleigh. Trophy Brewing has an excellent Cloud Surfer IPA and the classic Trophy Wife Session IPA.

Plus all their tap handles are old karate trophies, it’s genius. 

5. Hops or Malt? Personally, I feel like a jerk for asking the question. Give me a malty Scottish/Scotch Ale or a hoppy DIPA...and I'm happy...but you gotta pick one.

I’ll drink 'em all, but personally I’m a sucker for uniquely hopped beers. The Lagunitas Super Cluster is hoppy with some crazy flavors built-in, yet very enjoyable with a hint of citrus.

A few scotch ales would pair nicely with some aggressive Groove Metal though.

6. Whenever I'm road tripping. I'm always bringing back beers. Ohio, Great Lakes Brewing. East Coast, Yuengling. Western New  York. Genessee. What do you bring home?  

Absolutely. Part of road tripping and touring is checking out out the local beer scene in every town. I’m always bringing home the local staple beer if I’ve never seen it before.

The 9% Belgian or the beefy porter, whatever reminds me of that area and I can share with people at home.

Been fun chatting beer with you! If any of your readers want to check out WoR just head to for album info, tour dates, and news. Been a pleasure! Prost!

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