
Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Beer Thirty with King Ov Wyrms

It's time to get SPOOOOKY!!

Oh wait, it's November and after the election, but whatever. Arizona is now officially bad ass. So, let's move on from that shall we? We have a band from Tuscon, AZ here and surprisingly enough, they're a metal band and for some reason, they wanna talk to me about beer!

I know, I know, I was shocked too. So far they've dropped a few singles and I think you'd do oh so well to stream them on BANDCAMP.


1. My personal favorite beer style is the might Double India Pale Ale. The best DIPA in the world is STLIPA by Urban Chestnut. Tell me about your favorite style.

Personally, I’m a big fan of IPAs in general.

All the variants are great whether it’s a Double, Triple, or my personal favorite Black IPAs although it’s a bit hard to come by.

2. Many international people have laughed at me for this, but American Beer is the best in the world. Not American Lagers, that piss water is best used for drinking 15 of them while you're at the karaoke bar, but American Craft Beer. Which nation is pumping out the best beer?

I’d have to agree on American beer from my experience.

I’ve only gotten to experience craft brews from the US, Canada, and Mexico in person but most imports I've experienced haven’t been able to stack up in comparison.

3. Even though I'm a giant beer snob, I'll drink beers that break the Bavarian Purity Laws. My personal favorite is Schalfly's Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout. It's a might 22oz of 10% ABV Stout aged in bourbon barrels. It'll warm your heart and soul.

What beers do you love that break Reinheitsgebot?

My all-time favorite brewery is Stone Brewing.

I feel like no matter what they put out it's going to impress.

They have undoubtedly the best traditional IPA in the business. If we want to chalk it down to my top brew I’d have to hold it up to either Mother Road Brewing’s Lost Highway which is this beautifully dark yet refreshing Black IPA or Stone Brewing’s Arrogant Bastard which is this purely aggressive American style Ale that packs a gnarly punch in the initial taste but sits ever so smooth despite the appropriate title.

4. Right now, you couldn't pin me down and get me to give my favorite St. Louis Brewery, though Urban Chestnut's STLIPA does put them in the lead...but if you put a gun to my head, it's Schlafly Brewing. What do you think of your local brewers?

Arizona is home to some very talented breweries, hard to honestly name them all.

Dragoon Brewery is a local top here and if you are a hop fiend then they will surely deliver with their IPA. Ten 55 brewing has some of the best darker beers I’ve ever tried which isn’t my go-to taste but they may have my personal favorite Amber Ale.

Phoenix is home to many popular breweries, my personal local favorite being Santan Brewing which is hard to pin to just one top brew but the Devil’s ale is one of my top “go to” beers for a nice relaxing session.

5. Hops or Malt? Personally, I feel like a jerk for asking the question. Give me a malty Scottish/Scotch Ale or a hoppy DIPA...and I'm happy...but you gotta pick one.

It’s a very tough decision is it not?

But I’d always jump into the Hops bandwagon. I started with an IPA kick and have never been able to really step out of it. Fortunately being on the west coast there are a ton of varieties to keep me ever searching for the “Perfect IPA."

Stone still holds that title for me though.

6. Whenever I'm road tripping. I'm always bringing back beers. Ohio, Great Lakes Brewing. East Coast, Yuengling. Western New  York. Genessee. What do you bring home?  

Its been a good while since I’ve had a good road trip but there was a brewery I tried out in Maryland that to this day kills me that I haven’t been able to get my hands on, I believe it was Devils Back Bone Brewery?

Eight Point IPA was the particular brew I had and it just blew my mind, definitely, it's been something I’ve been looking to find again. 

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