
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Classic Spins with Brian Kingsland of Imperishable

It's been mentioned that most musicians are people who like music. 

I know it's about the hardest idea to really fathom, but it's cool when they get in deep with the songs that made them who they are.

Today we're checking in on Imperishable, a sweet band from South Carolina who've recently dropped their first single for fans of Morbid Angel and certain death....the first being something of a metaphor and 

The latter being something of not a metaphor.

Anyway, you can get on it via BANDCAMP.

1. My favorite kind of album is the concept album. The Wall is my absolute favorite. Beyond the amazing songs, it has spectacular nostalgia for me. What's your favorite one and why? 

That’s a tough one. So many great ones.

The Beatles - “Sgt. Peppers," The Who - “Quadrophenia," Pink Floyd, David Bowie, etc… they all had amazing concept records.

But, I gotta go with Alice in Chains - “Dirt." Most people don’t know it’s a concept album about death. It’s so dark, heavy and beautiful. I love it. That could be said about their whole catalog, though.

2. My very first album was Live Evil by Black Sabbath. Since then I've had a strong affinity for the live record, even if they're a bit fake. KISS set the bar with Alive!. Surely, it was fake, but it's got the best concert feel of any one.

Tell me about your favorite live record?

Toss-up between Thin Lizzy - “Live and Dangerous” and Pantera - “101 Proof."

Both are not only great performances but really give the feel of how intense it is seeing them live.

3. There are a great number of records I've turned to for my moods. What do you listen to when you're angry? Sad? 

When I’m angry I don’t listen to music, necessarily. I have to do something physical to get over it. Walk, excursive, etc…

When I’m sad I like the Blues. It puts me in a better mindset.

4. One of my friends laughs at me, routinely, for loving the Misfit Toys of albums by major bands. Lulu by Metallica and Lou Reed, Carnival of Souls by Kiss, Diabolous En Musica by Slayer, etc. 

What's the strange one that you love? 

I like a bunch of odd records. Strapping Young Lad - self-title, Emperor - “Prometheus," Joe Satriani - “Strange Beautiful Music." Pink Floyd - “Meddle”

If it’s good, it’s good!

5. It's almost fashionable to release live versions of albums or re-record the old ones. King Diamond is releasing a concert with Abigail front to back. Roger Waters has done The Wall twice. Which ones do you have in your collection?  

I don’t keep up with re-releases much. But, I have the re released version of “Crowned in Terror” from The Crown, and it slays. 

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