
Monday, November 16, 2020

Classic Spins with Sean Hickey of Ancient Thrones

Now, let's be real, the coolest province in Canada is probably Quebec, but if that's too Western for you, there's always more provinces to the east.

Me? I'm all about the East and Nova Scotia is pretty damned far to the east. 

In fact they're in this whole other time zone. Did you know that North America has FIVE TIME ZONES!

So, let's head to the land that Degrassi Junior High never talks about and hear form some Brutal Death metal folks from the most metal of all places...

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada!

Seriously, I want to retire up there with those homies and just chill in the summer time when I assume it's like 45 degrees F.

Check out some BANDCAMP and we'll talk about some album sized sweetness.

1.My favorite kind of album is the concept album. The Wall is my absolute favorite. Beyond the amazing songs, it has spectacular nostalgia for me. What's your favorite one and why?

A: I love concept albums too, there’s something about that level of detail a band puts into making an album flow with a story or theme that I really gravitate towards.

I love “The Parallax II: Future Sequence” by Between the Buried and Me, “Pelagial” by The Ocean, and “Crack the Skye” by Mastodon. Those are some masterful concept albums for me.

2. My very first album was Live Evil b Black Sabbath. Since then I've had a strong affinity for the live record, even if they're a bit fake. KISS set the bar with Alive!. Surely, it was fake, but it's got the best concert feel of anyone.

Tell me about your favorite live record?

A: I have this incredible live record from Wolves in the Throne Room called “Anno Domini” which was a BBC session they recorded in 2011.

That one shakes me to my core every time. I always light some incense and candles when I’m playing it for the ultimate listening experience.

Those guys are the masters of dark atmospheric music.

3. There are a great number of records I've turned to for my moods. What do you listen to when you're angry? Sad?

A: Once again I come back to Wolves in the Throne Room. I think the album “Celestial Lineage” is completely perfect for when you’re feeling sad.

The album “Yellow & Green” by Baroness is another one that has a therapeutic place in my heart.

4. One of my friends laughs at me, routinely, for loving the Misfit Toys of albums by major bands. Lulu by Metallica and Lou Reed, Carnival of Souls by Kiss, Diabolous En Musica by Slayer, etc.

What's the strange one that you love?

A: Haha, have you ever listened to Poppy? I’m actually a huge Poppy fan, I think she has an interesting anti-pop approach to making pop music and satirized the industry well.

As of recent she now blends it with metal and I’ve seen some metal fans criticize that. I personally think creating music that is totally outside the box is the most metal thing you can do.

5. It's almost fashionable to release live versions of albums or re-record the old ones. King Diamond is releasing a concert with Abigail front to back. Roger Waters has done The Wall twice. Which ones do you have in your collection?

A: I personally love full albums recorded live when they’re not copy and paste tones and give you a taste of what the show is like if you weren’t fortunate enough to see it yourself.

Between the Buried and Me released 3 full albums live and I have them all. They definitely know how to give the listener a great idea of what their live show is about.

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