
Monday, November 9, 2020

Sophomore Jinx with Deathless Dogs

As the entirety of the USA thanks Wisconsin, let's talk to a couple of their native sons about what life was like when they were younger.

Today,  have the honor of hearing about High School from Deathless Dogs. Check out their BANDCAMP for more good vibrations.

Well, let's hear it!

1. There is nothing more awkward than sophomore year of high school. Tell me about your circle of friends.

Eddy:  My circle of friends were pretty good kids for the most part. However, there was this one time sophomore year in high school where a group of us drove downtown to the civic center on a Friday night, where a group of people were camped out for an upcoming WWE show. 

We set up a tent and started drinking a bunch of beers in public. I think we got somebody at the campus grocery store to buy us the booze, but anyways, after it was all gone, we packed up the tent and rolled out like ghosts in the night

Dan: Eddy and I have been friends since middle school, so we rolled in the same circles, and I was also there for the WWE line tent drinking. 

Overall, our high school class was all pretty cool people, and most everyone got along. It was also around that time that people started getting their driver's license, and AOL Instant Messenger was all the rage, so we started meeting people from other schools in the area online and then taking the half hour drive to their town to hang out. 

2. By this time in my life, I'd given up on all extracurriculars in my school. Tell me about how you spent your afternoons.

Eddy: The only sport I stuck out all four years of high school was track. Other than that, I can't really remember what was going on most afternoons. 

The 2000s were a long time ago, man.

Dan: I didn't play any sports.I signed up for the football team that year, but never went because I had just gotten my first drum kit, and that seemed like a lot more fun than getting yelled at to run laps.

I spent my afternoons teaching myself to play drums, which was undoubtedly brutal for everyone else in the house at the time. 

3. During this time is when I finally discovered Pink Floyd. I had a copy of The Wall on cassette. It was a grey one. That album was my escape. Let's hear about your favorite album from back then. What format was it on?

Eddy: I usually alternated between Queens of the Stoneage's Songs for the Deaf, Red Hot Chilli Peppers By the Way, and Foo Fighters One By One. 

Of those albums, I feel like the Foo Fighters album may have rubbed off on me the most, when it comes to the way I try to sing and play guitar.

Dan: My favorite album at that time would be System of a Down's "Toxicity". I walked over to the Kmart that was a block from our school on my lunch break the day the CD came out, and wound up being late to my next class, so I got detention and couldn't even listen to it right after school like 

I'd planned. Listening to that album and trying to copy the drum parts is how I taught myself to play. 

4. What was the name of your high school and did you have a favorite class?

Eddy: La Crosse Central High School. Our mascot was the Red Raiders, whatever that is... And my favorite class was probably Weight Training with Coach C, due to the legendary Max Butane pacer test. 

It will never be forgotten by those that witnessed it.

Dan: We went to the same school. I don't think I really had a favorite class, but I somehow got three consecutive hours of study hall every day, so I rarely had to do any homework at home, which was cool.

5. How did your school's football team do that season?

Eddy:  I can hardly remember what I ate for breakfast this morning. There is no way for me to remember the Red Raider's record. I do remember being in the marching band and playing the halftime shows for our games. 

They were held at the local university, and it was always kind of a fun experience.

Dan; I also have no idea how the football team did, but they must've sucked because I feel like I'd remember them going to state tournaments or something like that. I would go to the games sometimes, but I never paid any attention to them. 

It was more about hanging out with people. I'd just have to make sure to check the final score before leaving so I could tell my parents what it was if they asked.

6. What instrument were you playing at that time?

Eddy: I played an alto saxophone from 6th grade until the end of senior year. I still have a tenuous grasp on how to play it today, but I prefer to play a guitar. 

I didn't pick up a guitar until I was in my 20s, but I wish I would have started much sooner... Like in 6th grade. The hindsight is 20/20, I guess.

Dan: As I mentioned before, that was when I got my first drum kit. I also got my first guitar, which was cool because I could play it late at night unplugged and not make too much noise. 

I'd go on various guitar tab websites and learn how to play 15 seconds of some of my favorite songs. I definitely preferred drums, but drums don't have a volume knob.

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