
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Sophomore Jinx with Radiant Knife

There are so many times when I'll hear a band say that they can't determine what sort of music they are playing. 

More often than not though? 

It's a total BS thing because they don't want to try.

I've not heard Radiant Knife say that, but I'll tell you that I can't figure out what kind of music they are and all the times I've tried to describe it, I've totally failed.

The Lafayette, LA duo though, should be in all your earholes. Check it all out on BANDCAMP.

Naturally, because they're such a cool and unique band who've dropped a pair of albums during our pandemic, I asked them about High School.

1. There is nothing more awkward than sophomore year of high school. Tell me about your circle of friends. 

Stephen - Sophomore year my life revolved around skateboarding.  All my friends were skaters, most of which were older, smoked cigarettes, drank malt liquor, and listened to gangster rap. 

A bunch of knucklehead rejects for sure.

Greg- Sophomore year was playing in bands, hanging out with outcast punk/metal heads who were shunned by everyone in High School.

That was the only friend I had that I could connect with. Some I’m still friends with, some never spoke to since. High school was socially awkward for me. Didn't really fit in.

2. By this time in my life, I'd given up on all extracurriculars in my school. Tell me about how you spent your afternoons.

Stephen - When i wasn’t skateboarding,  I was watching MTV trying to learn songs on the guitar.  It was 1992.

Grunge hadn’t fully hit yet, and hair metal was falling out of favor.  If i was lucky i’d catch an episode of 120 minutes and see some new bands i hadn’t heard of. 

Definitely was an interesting time for music. A lot of things were in transition with grunge just hitting.

Greg - Playing drums mostly. Hanging out with my punk/metal buds spinning records and obsessing about bands. Driving and hanging out at a local cafe to smoke weed in the back, and sometimes play Mancala. 


3. During this time is when I finally discovered Pink Floyd. I had a copy of The Wall on cassette. It was a grey one. That album was my escape. Let's hear about your favorite album from back then. What format was it on?

Stephen - Back then I had a decent tape collection, maybe some CDs.

I definitely remember listening to Smashing Pumpkins Gish a lot, Rocket from the Crypt, Primus, Fugazi, and of course Nirvana were in heavy rotation as well.  I’d say at that time Gish was my favorite. 

(I) loved the vibe of that album.

Greg - I had found out a band called Spazz. Loved them, use to listen La Revancha by them a lot on cd, along with Assuck, Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Mob 47, Inferno. I still jam some of that stuff from time to time for nostalgia. 

4. What was the name of your high school and did you have a favorite class?

Stephen - Lafayette High School.  No favorite class as a Sophomore.  I was still pretty awkward, in a growth spurt and pretty much hated school. 

The faster I could get out of there the better.

Greg - Comeaux High School. Absolutely none.


5. How did your school's football team do that season?

Stephen - Hell if I know.

I do remember one of our star athletes had a beeper and kids already.

Greg - No fucking idea. I don't really watch sports. Only time is when friends want to hang out or if I'm playing.


6. What instrument were you playing at that time?

Stephen - Guitar for sure, but I was also in school band and played trumpet. 

I liked playing music in the band but hated marching band so eventually quit the school band.  I still played guitar all the time while watching MTV, and eventually joined my first band around 18.

Greg - Drums mainly, and guitar here and there.

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