
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

LP Review: "Signals Through The Flame" by Ian Blurton

Signals Through The Flame
So, there's this gentleman by the name of Ian Blurton who just so happens to be a 35 year veteran of the Canadian music scene.

Thirty Five years!

When he started, Kiss was old and Zeppelin had already broken up. Yes, time is making fools of us all is it not?

In those three and a half decades, Blurton has played in 40 bands and more than that, he's produced, engineered, mixed, etc over 100 records. Hmm, is there anything this jack of all trades has never done?

Yes, it's released a solo record. Unlike folks like Ace Frehley, David Gilmour, Roger Waters, and others, he could in fact wait to release that overly self-indulgent album.

The album itself is why I am here speaking to you today though and what of it? It's that sort of side rock that gives off a faint whiff of metal, but mostly retreats back into hard rock territory.

This record is the farthest thing from self-indulgent. There's nary a guitar solo that's in poor taste. They all service the song and the player second as Satan intended. Signals Through The Flame just strikes all of the right notes.

It's a little spacey and a little normal. This album is always straddling two lines. Two armies are fighting over an imaginary line in the dirt. This disc is the result of those two armies moving forward and retreating.


Monday, April 29, 2019

Vinyl Review: "Chooch" by Walking Bicycles

Walking's been a little while since we've heard from these folks from up there near Lake Michigan....Chicago I think the place is called, but don't hold me to it.

I mean, it's the second city right?

All little jabs aside, Chicago is a lovely city that's superior to ours in only one way really.

You guys have crazy amounts of light rail and we have crazy little.

I envy your L, your Marta, and your other one....the BNSF one. Those cars are awesome.

Now what is a walking bicycle?

Frankly, I haven't a single clue. I suppose it's not a thing but an action. Presumably we're to be looking at their name as a gerund and not a noun. That's the only conceivable conclusion right?

When you tear into their music though, it's a unique blend of garage rock, psych rock, and sublime pop. It's rare that a band can meld pop, garage, and flat out noise rock into something this stylish.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Classic Spins with Grass


It's been a little while since we've spoken about the hip new stoner band on the block, GRASS, but here let's back to it with them.

If you're like me, you're ready to kick on your over drive pedal and plug your Gibson into that sweet Orange Amplifier for some dulcet tones.

We could talk all day about their sound and latest album, but we did that HERE already.

Today we're getting all in on their Classic Spins.

1. My favorite kind of album is the concept album. The Wall is my absolute favorite. Beyond the amazing songs, it has spectacular nostalgia for me. What's your favorite one and why?

Thursday, April 25, 2019

LP Review: "Neon Graves" by GoregÓ“ng

Neon Graves
Death metal is still my favorite kind of extreme metal. Perhaps the venerable subgenre isn't kvlt enovgh or brvtvl en0vgh?

It's still what captures my imagination and places a hook in my nose when it's time to play something exceptionally metal.

The issue is that of all the death metal out there, most of it is kind of shit.

The best death metal comes from bands that either started the formulas, altered the formulas, or just give me an alternate take on the genre.

With that in mind, I present GoregÓ“ng to you today. My information lists them as a Death/Doom/Crust Metal band.

That's a lot of words to describe this band who just thunders out some metal. What these Americans have done is find a style of music that fits in neatly between Grindcore and Death Metal from the 80's, but that's not specific enough.

They took that specific kind of metal that they created and then modernized it. They've polished their missing link metal into something new. Get on it.


Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Foods We Love With Gates To The Morning's Sean Meyers

Sean Meyers of Gates To The Morning
Well my friends, is there anything in this world better than talking to a drummer? I think it could be argued that it's been too long since we've allowed  a drummer to climb out from under the bridge in order to give us their personal brand of crazy.

I said it and I'll stand by it: drummers are crazy.

So, in order to give you that does of what in the world are we talking about today, allow me to point you into the world of Gates To The Morning's Sean Meyers.

I don't really know the man, but he has to prove to me he's not crazy. In the meantime, check out this record he and his friends did on BANDCAMP.

1. For me, lunch is usually the meal where I don't have to deal with the Napoleon of Food. So it's my favorite meal. What's your best meal of the day?

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Classic Spins with Owl Maker

How many times have we featured the doomed out death grooves of Owl Maker on the pages of Glacially Musical?
Probably at least eleventy.
And as long as they keep on keeping on we'll keep featuring these East Coast, New England Elites, but only providing they disavow all things that we don't like.
We at Glacially Musical need to know that they're pro-good things and anti-bad things and we haven't heard much about that from them at this point.
I held a staff meeting to discuss this with, myself and I..we agreed that Owl Maker's music is awesome and we're going to continue to probe until such point that they give us that clickbait title.
1. My favorite kind of album is the concept album. The Wall is my absolute favorite. Beyond the amazing songs, it has spectacular nostalgia for me. What's your favorite one and why?

Monday, April 22, 2019

Vinyl Review: "Punish The Stars" by Archons

Punish The Stars
Before we get going for true, let's talk a little bit. One of the things that folks online like to bug me about is my feeling on the current state of the music industry.

So, let's get that out of the way.

This is said by me, without hyperbole, exaggeration, and wholly truthfully: Right now, as fans we are living in the absolute best time to be a fan of music.

On the flip side (pun intended, it is a vinyl review after all.), artists are living in the worst time to make any damned money off of being an artist. Humanity has chosen to devalue art in all of its forms and has started stealing it en masse.

This is why my journey with the vinyl record began. There's no long history for me. During the heady days of my youth, cassettes were our currency. After some time doing the endeavor that has become Glacially Musical, the need to buy new music had ceased.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Classic Spins with Jon Davis of Ungraven and Conan

When you're ready to check something out, Jon Davis of Conan has recently released Language of Longing as a side project.

You should be checking out Ungraven.

It's a different kind of music from Conan. It's always awesome when Roger Waters releases another Pink Floyd album, but it would be cool if he was able to play some other sort of music too.

I'd be willing to bet that Waters really can't do anything else. That's why it's cool that Davis has another side to what he does.

So, check out the other thing that Davis does.

In the meantime, check out his favorite records.

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

LP Review: "Times of Obscene Evil and Wild Daring" by Smoulder

Times of Obscene Evil and Wild Daring
Respect the process.

That's what Ben Folds told us during his all request paper airplane tour thing and it stuck with me. The all encompassing and all powerful process helps me.

Today the process was kind of a failure. After skimming through over a hundred emails to find the quality, the goal, the diamond in the rough...the process had come up empty.

Then this little script flipper came up.

Times of Obscene Evil and Wild Daring is the debut album by a set of Torontonians.

In some ways, it's the epitome of 80's Heavy Metal. Look at that cover. It's colorful, cool, and straight out of Conan The Barbarian.

The tracks are riffy and thick. The kind of music that the person who hates heavy metal in 2019 can really sink his teeth into. For me, I love metal in 2019 and this album still kicks major ass.

Smoulder respected the process and came out swinging with this thumper of a debut record. Here's to hoping is all up from here.


A Man Walks Into A Bar with Derek Lionas of Getaway Van

Welcome to the latest column on Glacially Musical: "A Man Walks Into A Bar."

The opening line to the most famous joke right? So, it seemed like a pretty apt way to start it out. Everything needs some sort of a  name doesn't it?

Hopefully no one will think this is some sort of comedy column though. 

Now, due to there being a lot more non-drinkers that have been getting back to me on the columns, the column is worded so that the answers can be about any sort of bars.

Today, first iup is Derek Lionas of Getaway Van. This past February, they released their DEBUT RECORD!

Find out what they're all about while you read about how Lionas likes to tie one on.

1. Which is your favorite kind of bar and why? It can be any kind. Whiskey, Beer, Wine, Coffee, or Steel. 

--- A dive bar that plays live music. We love a good time out with the crew, and you gotta support the local scene whenever you're able to. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

LP Review: "Striking the Bell of Death" by Sins of the Damned

Striking the Bell of Death
During my formative years metal was growing divergent. Metal had left the blues and psychedelia based music like Sabbath.

Priest, Venom, Iron Maiden, and others had kind of put the stake in the heart of that. Things were kept, the progressive bent, the evil imagery, etc.

In the early to Mid 1980's though, a change happened. Different subsets of metal could co-exist on this plane.

From there we got Black Metal, Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Industrial Metal, and the return of Doom/Stoner Metal.

Now we're past the factioning off of all of the genres and into hybrid territories. Blackened Death Death Metal. Folkened Black Metal. Atmospheric Anything Metal. This is ever so pleasing to me, but what about a band that could reach into the past and pull upon the first thread in the tapestry?

That's what Sins of the Damned have done. The debut, Striking the Bell of Death, is a pure look back at 1984. It's proto-death, thrash, progressive, and all points in between.

It's a banger from start to finish. The anger of Venom, the dexterity of Iron Maiden, and the riffs of Metallica.


Pizza Pie Do or Die with Steven Gilles of Atlas Empire

Atlas Empire
The Pizza Pie Do or Die Column interview is destined to be long running. That's pretty cool if you ask me, and if you dig reading about bands and pizza.

The answers that have been coming in have really changed my personal perception on the concept of pizza. Though, factually it's birthplace is Italy, pizza has always seemed like a very American kind of thing to me.

In the case that we took something someone else in the world did and got behind it and took the concept to a whole new level of decadence. 

(We did the same thing with IPAs.)

So getting back answers from bands in Europe, Canada, and other countries is pretty cool to me. Today, we have Steven Gilles of the Glaswegian Progressive Alt-Rock band Atlas Empire has weighed in on pizza, from presumably a distinctly Scottish point of view.

While you're checking into his delicious choices, spin their latest record via BANDCAMP.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Classic Spins with Space Coke's Reno Gooch

Space Coke
In Columbia, SC, you can find an old style, psychedelic riff band called Space Coke. Their latest record, L'Appel du Vide, was a complete and total crushing of the genre.

You should probably get that over here at BANDCAMP if you dig music anyway.

In the meantime, because we all dig music, let's find out what classic records they're into.

1. My favorite kind of album is the concept album. The Wall is my absolute favorite. Beyond the amazing songs, it has spectacular nostalgia for me. 

What's your favorite one and why?I'm gonna say "Joe's Garage." I got the original albums from my dad when I was like 12. So there's the young mind effect there but even looking back it's so intense. 

Friday, April 12, 2019

LP Review: "Erancnoir" by Erancnoir

Imagine if you will, living in a brutal, authoritarian regime. One full of such oppression that you could be executed because you violated someone else's religious beliefs.

But enough about the State Senator of Texas who introduced laws to do just that, let's talk about Iran.

In Iran, being gay, listening to metal, etc can get you into very serious trouble.

Imagine listening to metal on the sly, but recording it. Erancnoir's Harmpag Karnik literally put his life on the line in order to give us this slab of atmospheric black metal.

Big thank yous to Morrowless Music for bringing it to my ears here in the United States of America.

The third album from the Iranian solo artist and my first listen. It does remind me others in the genre as it's an ever flowing river of pain. The cover perfectly encapsulates the music within. The rocks on the cover were carved by the water.

The ever flowing water.


Pizza Pie Do Or Die with Barry Cavener of Ancient Altar

Ancient Altar
Next week Ancient Altar will be unleashing their EP, Cosmic Purge/Foie Gras onto glorious vinyl. So now, instead of being able to listen to this striker anywhere you want, you've been leashed to your turntable.


For those of you old time hipster wannabes who listen to records, like myself, check out BANDCAMP to pick up this banger.

But for now, let's talk about another circular object Glacially Musical can't get enough of....


1. Pizza is the world's most perfect food. This is not up for debate. Please define pizza as based on your geographical location.

In my area (I'm about 45 minutes east of LA) there are a few good mom and pop pizza places, but it's mostly chains. 

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Stream: "Howls In The Forest At Dusk" by Forever Autumn

The acoustic/neofolk band, Forever Autumn is plugging along and buoyed by the release of their latest record, Howls in the Forest at Dusk released via the BANDCAMP  and you should check that out.

In the meantime, you have an opportunity to check out the title track of this album right below these words right here.

And below these words too.

Get it on!

Classic Spins with Max Ternebring, Bottom End Lord of The Riven

The Riven
The Riven has just dropped their stunning debut record, The Riven. If you've got 80 Swedish Kroners just jangling around in your pocket, or whatever those Kroners normally do, hit up the BANDCAMP, but if you're feeling a bit more adventurous, you can get it on sweet vinyl HERE.

Getting it on the sweet vinyl will cost you a few extra Kroners, but in the end, what's a few kroners more right? Or if you're looking a slightly less adventurous purchase....

There's always AMAZON.

Now, we could spend hours fighting each other over what way to purchase this album is the best way, but $17.99 (+tax and no shipping) is a better price than 129 Swedish Korners.

But in the mean, time, Max Ternebring told me all about what classic records he's into.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Video: "Fallen Apart" by Athrox

It's time to have a closer look at everything we hold dear and yes everything we do. About two years ago, I stopped shopping at Wal-Mart. Why?

Because I didn't want to financially support a world where the USA's largest employer participates in Wage Slavery.

Traditional metallers, Athrox, have put out a new video giving folks a reminder, that we are all in this together.

Check it and get with them on FACEBOOK.

Bookin' It with Simon Tuozzoli of Owl Maker

Based on what's been printed on these pages regarding New England based doom band, Owl Maker, our readers may think that it's a solo band led by one Jessie May.

But it's time to answer the full question.

Did you know there are in fact three people in Owl Maker?

Today we're going to hear from burly frontman Simon Tuozzoli about, of course, BOOKS!

1. I try to read at least two books per month, and mostly fail, what's your goal and reality? 

My goal is a book every quarter -- but in reality, depending on the size of the book, it’s surprising if I read three books in a year. I’m on my second book this year, got to get my ass in gear.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Stream: "Blind Scryer" by Blind Scryer

As a young lad, I remember thinking about the bands who've scored the heavy metal hat trick. Do you know what that is? It's the band, the debut, and the single all having the same name.

Black Sabbath Travail and of course... Heaven and Hell  Tony Iommi appears on this list twice, even if it's a sort of Hmm....I'm not even sure if that should count, but the Debut, the single, and eventually the band.... right?

Today, in that long tradition, we have Blind Scryer's single Blind Scryer from their debut record, Blind Scryer.

Head over to your local CBD Store and tie this one on.

Pizza Pie Do or Die with The Flaying

To our neighbors to the north, Canada, The Great White North, the hockey player incubator, let me say I love you from down here in the USA. My time spent within your borders both on business and for pleasure was wonderful.

Now, you hopefully have picked up on the fact that I'm from St. Louis, MO named after King Louis IX. Did you know that even under Spanish rule, St. Louis and the rest of Louisiana spoke French.

We basically told the Spaniards to piss off?

With that in mind, it reminds me that Quebec is awesome. Unlike us, they didn't switch to English. When the whole rest of the Canada switched to the dual languages of Your Home and Native Land, Quebec said PISS OFF, ENGLISH! 

With that said, let's check in on this brutal metal band from Quebec City, PQ, The Flaying who were kind enough to speak to us in English.

That's great, because I don't speak French yet, but I will. In the meantime, be a lamb and check out their latest record, Angry Undead would you? If that gets your pulse moving, LIKE THEM PUBLICLY!

Monday, April 8, 2019

LP Review: "Moonless Night Sacraments" by Deathwomb

Moonless Night Sacraments
When I was in high school, all those many years ago, a teacher told our class that the hardest thing about starting a band is naming it, because all the good ones are taken.

He's kind of right and now there are several names used by multiple names, but here's a new one on me: Deathwomb.

Honestly, I cannot figure out what a death womb even is, but ok. It's metal and dark. So that makes sense.

On their debut album these Spanish Black metallers are able to conjure up the legends of the genre without ever sounded like a xeroxed copy.

Is it right to call a throwback band authentic? Well, they're at least as authentic as American Chinese food I guess. The significant point here is that this band, starting out, has hit the ball out of the park or pulled down a golaso (as they're probably bigger fans of soccer rather than baseball).

Moonless Night Sacraments is appropriately evil, catchy, and it sounds like it was recorded inside of a metal lunchbox. That is to say, it's basically a perfect record.


Classic Spins with Mike Cummings of Backwoods Payback

Backwoods Payback
Awhile back we were introduced to Backwoods Payback.

It was one of those things where this band had been around forever, but the natives of West Chester, PA had just never crossed into my orbit.

That reminds me, Future Slum, was released on vinyl and it's probably about time I go and pick that stuff up.

Now because they've got so many records out, we're going to talk to them about the music everybody else has released.

Because that's how we do.

1. My favorite kind of album is the concept album. The Wall is my absolute favorite. Beyond the amazing songs, it has spectacular nostalgia for me. 

What's your favorite one and why

Oh man, would you believe it took me a while to figure this one out?! I think I narrowed it down to two. “Red Headed Stranger” by Willie Nelson and “Crack the Skye” by Mastodon. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

DLP Review: "Shem Ha Mephorash" by Mephorash

Shem Ha Mephorash
There was a time in the United States when being a metalhead marked you for death.

Perhaps I'm overselling it just a touch, but we were singled out and reviled. The PMRC was some lovely social conservatism that came out of the Satanic Panic.

And if there's one thing we love in the USA, it's a good panic.

This record here, our double record, takes many of the things we were told back in the day as pejoratives and mixes up in the blackness.

Sweden's Mephorash is third wave black metal personified for me. They've got this wonderful symphonic feeling to them as well.

It's especially pronounced by the epic long tracks. The finale clocks in past fifteen minutes. So all the metal is so dumb stereotypes and even the Black Metallers can't play stereotypes are all cast to the wayside. It's progressive. It's expansive.

It's the perfect example of why we shouldn't listen to anyone who doesn't listen to metal.


Pizza Pie Do or Die with Lords of the Trident

Lords of the Trident
Look, there's absolutely no secret that I cannot get enough of Madison's own Lords of the Trident.

Apparently the feeling is mutual and they can't quite stop themselves from talking to least via these ridiculous columns that I keep making.

As these Pagan/Power/MadHatter Metallers keep making with the answers, I'll keep pointing out to you that by now every reader should have SHADOWS OF THE PAST on vinyl by now.

However, in the meantime, let's find out how Lords of the Trident fills their belly when they're getting ready to raid a castle.

I bet it's pizza.

1. Pizza is the world's most perfect food. This is not up for debate. Please define pizza as based on your geographical location.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Video: "Rapture" by SystemHouse33

Oh man is this too heavy or what?

Because today's the day their album drops, let's check in with a metal band that's heavily influenced, get this, by the Book of Revelations in the Bible.

Anybody who's read that book knows that it's showing some pretty damned metal stuff.

So, if you're up to it, LIKE them and ORDER their music.

Classic Spins with Mortanius

Philadelphia born and raised...on the playground is where Mortanius spent most of their days is probably a way that no one has ever introduced them.

If you've listened to their latest album, Till Death Do Us Part on Rockshots Records, you probably know that they spent most of their days learning how to play their instruments.

Now's a great time to check it out HERE.

Now, that we've got that established, what about their favorite recrods?

1. My favorite kind of album is the concept album. The Wall is my absolute favorite. Beyond the amazing songs, it has spectacular nostalgia for me. What's your favorite one and why?

Lucas: My favorite concept album is Abigail by King Diamond. Not only is the music among the best in the band's discography, but the story is also actually very clearly told and easy to follow through the lyrics. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

EP Review: "The Serpent and The Ladder" by False Gods

The Serpent and the Ladder
I was told once that you should never spring a trip to a Brazilian Steak House on anyone, but let them know days in advance so they can prepare.

Before arriving at the most metal of all eateries (The steak comes to you on a sword), one must appropriately appetize oneself.

So, that's kind of how I'm viewing the latest EP by New York Doom quintet, False Gods.

It also falls in line with their previous releases, all EPs.

This extended play is the pure cane sugar in the raw.

Like that brown colored sugar that's not brown sugar, this EP has to be consumed more than once. The listener should also focus all available internal RAM onto these two tracks. As those two tracks only chew up twelve minutes, I have faith that all of humanity can accomplish this not so herculean task.

The first time through, it doesn't feel special. It's seemingly basic, but the second go around, maybe the third, the ghosts come out of the walls. Give it the time it requires. You'll be glad you did.


Pizza Pie Do or Die with Forever Autumn

Forever Autumn
In case you didn't know, doom metal doesn't require an SG.

You can get it done with acoustic instruments. There's been how many different bands in the world that've made metal or doomed out songs without distortion. Honestly, consider The Fur Elise.

That thing is creepy and doomy innit? There's nary a Peavy 5150 Amp head near it.

While you're thinking about all that kind of great stuff in the world, set your mind to Massachusetts. Also I have no idea how to spell that state, so I did have to work hard to get that little red squiggly sent away.

Acoustic doom act Forever Autumn is riding the post release euphoria from Howls In The Forest At Dusk.

You should do yourself a solid and stream that over at BANDCAMP while you're reading about their pizza preferences.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Video: "Traverse" by Nowhere To Be Found

Let's get into the world of Nowhere To Be Found

Are you familiar with them? I'm wasn't and that's why I'm showing this to you. You might recognize notable ginger, Matty Mullins of the Nashville Metalcore band, Memphis May Fire.

In the mean time, don't be so star struck and check out their tracks on SPOTIFY.

Vinyl Review: "All Tree" by Hexvessel

I can't give credit where credit is due, but I didn't create what I'm about to say.... The best thing about being  a metal fan is that we never really stop being newbies.

In a genre that's so gloriously underground, it's impossible to know even all of the big bands, much less the smaller ones.

Case in point, last year, a friend of mine asked me if I'd heard of Volbeat, because he hadn't.

In that vein, it's time to announce that today's review is my first vinyl review from Prophecy. They're, supposedly, a goodly sized Black Metal label. Honestly, this is the first radio for your fiend and humble narrator here with Prophecy.

It's like in all those ebbs and flows of metal. Sometimes the right stuff gets to your ears and sometimes, you just get Y&T.

Now, let's get to this record by Hexvessel.

Monday, April 1, 2019

LP Review: "THE HORROR-Figure del Terrore" by Oltretomba

THE HORROR Figure del Terrore
As of this writing...last night I watched Lords of Chaos and color me disappointed.

That movie was an extra gory and extra salacious retelling of the times and crimes of several Black Metal musicians moreso than the telling of the story of Black Metal.

So, today, that leads me to want to hear some some really good black metal because, though there was a nice scene or two featuring Dead, Lords of Chaos left me unfulfilled.

So entre: Oltretomba.

The email that accompanied their upcoming album referred to them as retro grade black metal.

That sort of description certainly attracted my attention.The simplest way to describe their sophomore album would be highly influenced by Dead era Mayhem featuring a musical aptitude to match Dead's on stage enthusiasm.

This album isn't full of noisy riffs, but musical riffs that happen to be noisy. This record features some vocal stylings that are near black metal perfection.

Any disc that can call down the thunder and make your booty move is something to marvel. Oltretomba was able to capture brutality and musicality in the same bottle.


Classic Spins with Becoming the Lion

This is the first time that one of the bands has answered one of the questions in Classic Spins with, essentially, well we did it!

With that, meet Wisconson's native sons: Becoming The Lion.

What started off as a solo project morphed into a fully fleshed out trio. That's right. One man has reproduced asexually by cutting off fingers and those fingers then became a bass player and a drummer.

At least that's how it's happened in my head and NO ONE WILL CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE.

Check out their latest EP on BANDCAMP and be friends on FACEBOOK.

1. My favorite kind of album is the concept album. The Wall is my absolute favorite. Beyond the amazing songs, it has spectacular nostalgia for me. What's your favorite one and why?