
Monday, September 30, 2019

Pizza Pie Do or Die with Lamassu

When is the last time you thought about the wonderful world down under?

Does anyone still say down under or have we all just switched to calling it Oz?

Either way, there's a mystical, magical land that's back and too the left of the USA and it's called Australia.

It's best known in the States for their number one and two exports of lethal animals that will you as soon as look at you and people who like to go find those animals and just really piss them off whilst being filmed on TV.

And for the record, god rest the Croc Hunter. Watching him play with deadly snakes was must see TV for me.

But anyway, we're not talking about spiders the size of apples or bats as big as a Toyota Prius, but Lamassu. 

Check out their debut LP at BANDCAMP. And now, it's time for an Australian perspective on pizza.

1. Pizza is the world's most perfect food. This is not up for debate. Please define pizza as based on your geographical location.

Pizza in Melbourne, Australia comes one of two ways - Bogan suburban pizza ( or proper wood fired Italian style.

Bogan style comes with many toppings, shredded “ham” features widely and there are usually 30 or more variants on the menu.

Traditional wood fired Italian in Melbourne is exactly as you find in Naples, in fact a local pizza shop has won best pizza in the world a couple of times in the past few years!

2. It's going to get controversial now. Pineapple on Pizza. Why or why not? 

Absolutely! I’d never dream of ruining a traditional Margherita wood fired pizza with pineapple, but just about any other type is improved when pineapple is added. Fight me.

3. For literally years, my family didn't order pizza from the take out places. We made Chef Boyardee boxed pizzas. After that, we only ordered St. Louis Style from Imo's. But finally in the LATE EIGHTIES, I had Domino's Pizza. Tell me your tale.

I don’t know those brands here in Australia but we do have some horrible McCain style frozen pizza available.

Growing up I was all about the local corner shop pizza joint, bogan pizza at its finest! We had Pizza Hut all you can eat too, I didn’t get into that deep dish stuff though.

4. St. Louis Style Pizza is the perfect pizza, especially if you enjoy bragging about how much pizza you can eat, but when I'm out in other parts of the country, I seek out Chicago Style Pizza. What do you look for?

I once drove from Rome to Naples and back in an afternoon just so I could eat pizza from the shop that invented the Margherita Pizza in 1889. 

For me, when made right that is the perfect pizza. I ate 5 Margherita pizzas that day, still one of the greatest days of my life…I need to go back to Italy!

5. Pepperoni, started giving me heartburn. So I switched to green peppers or onions. What's your go to topping?

If I’m not bathing in the excellence that is the Margherita, I like my pizza with sliced smoked ham, pineapple, fresh basil, fresh chilli, bbq sauce, mozzarella and parmesan cheese.

6. What do you look for in pairing beer with your pie? 

It’s winter here now so I’m currently enjoying nice, full flavoured dark beers. 

Something like a Colonial Brewing Co Robust Porter with a measure of Glendronach 15 Scotch on the side is great with pizza. 

That said, some days you just want to smash a few Corona’s.

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