
Monday, September 23, 2019

Vinyloscpy with Aphrodite's Jo

It's time to plug in your iPhone, Tesla, and Weed Whacker.

Because, right now, you're going to need all the power you can get so you can understand, vilify, and withstand the full on frontal assault of power metal that Aphrodite is going to give you.

Full on chugging, their Lust and War LP has recently been released via Fighter Records.

Check it out on BANDCAMP but for now, let's talk about records!

1. Listening to Black Sabbath's eponymous debut the night I got it blew me away. 

What's the album that sounds the best on vinyl compared to digital sources?

Jo: My introduction to Sabbath's first album was from a brand new tape I bought from now out of business chain store Music World. 

I listened to the tape on my walkman in high school on constant repeat as I spent my days alone.

2. I was laying in bed one night and couldn't sleep and I figured, it was time to start buying records. How did you come to the idea that it was time to start buying vinyl instead?

Jo: When I was a teenager I didn't have a job or much ways to make money so i spent what little I had on CD's, LP's and Tapes equally. 

There was a record store in town that specialized in Progressive Rock and Metal. Back then everything was so cheap! You could get LP's for $1-$5!

3.For my old stuff, it's vinyl worthy, for new stuff, it's all vinyl if available. Do you buy everything on wax or do you have a vinyl worthy category?

Jo: I only buy tapes and vinyl. I don;t buy CD's unless its entire collections that I resell. I don't even own a CD player.

4. My second living room is where I keep it all. Upstairs, my mid-70's receiver, with a 70's turntable and 70's 5 way speakers. Tell us all about your vinyl set up.

Jo: I have a set up in my shed, In my bed room and in my living room. I use the living room one the most. 

I have 4 speakers running through an 80's Yamaha R-S300 amp, using an 80's Sansui SR-535 turntable. I often go to thrift stores looking for 70's, 80's stereo amplifiers, so I often change my set up. 

Right now I'm very satisfied with this Yamaha R-S300 that I found in the trash! I often buy amps and turntables to resell them online.

5. Do you read the lyrics and go over the inserts when you're spinning?

Jo: Not always, but I usually read the credits and thanks list. Back in the day it was a great way to find out about other bands! 

I spend a long time looking at the album covers. I over analyze the graphic design, the fonts, the artwork, the photos etc.

6. When someone says, I'm stupid for buying records, I tell them, thanks, more limited edition colored vinyl for me, what's your answer?

Jo: I tell them that they are absolutely right. Its an addiction but its less worst than smoking crack. 

I tell myself that its not a waste of money because in the future I can always sell them and make back my investment plus more.

7. My first album ever was Live Evil by Black Sabbath, so I'm stuck on live albums. What's the best live album on vinyl?

Jo: One of the first records that I ever bought was Motorhead "Live at the Hammersmith." 

I love the productions, stage banter and that the songs are played faster.  I was 14 when I bought it for $3 from a shop that sold mostly Marijuana stuff. 

My friend who was with me told the guy our age so they kicked us out because you had to be 16 to be in the store. 

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