
Friday, October 18, 2019

Review Round Up 10/18/19

Prelude by The Last Reign (DIY) 10/11/19

Let's start by saying that this EP slipped through the cracks and didn't make it to the round up, but here we are and let's just say it's a good thing we did.

There's nothing like high quality death metal to really annoy my friends and family. Honestly, too many of the people in my life don't even know what blast beats are, not that this EP is going to teach them, but that's fine.

The Last Reign has that classic 90's English Death Metal tone and a pure stomp that is always headed north to victory.

The title, hopefully, is a hint of things to come. Melodic Death Metal with strong song structure and that glorious guitar sound....give me all of it.

Rating B+ Bandcamp Facebook

Lone by Oak (Transcending Obscurity) 12/10/19

Coming from the oft forgotten country of Portugal, we have another band called Oak.

Lone is their debut and it's a cracking start to what could likely be an amazing career for this esoteric doom metal horde.

How many people does it take to make a horde? I'll be honest, but Hordak didn't exactly have that many people in his group.

There aren't enough bands out there that know how to incorporate the double bass beat into slow music and Oak does that ever so masterfully. Oak has on their first album put out the kind of doom metal that gets me salivating.

Rating A Bandcamp Facebook

Behold Sedition Plainsong by Dawn Ray'd (Prosthetic Records) 10/25/19

In this day and age, there are so few bands who're anything akin to Marco Polo. Meaning, most the available ground to trod has been troddened.

Dawn Ray'd for me though?

They have found a new path to break in a genre that's been overdone. But let's move backwards a little bit. Defunct Label Halo of Flies introduced me to their debut record which is one of the best albums of 2017 for me.

In the two years since that release, Dawn Ray'd has landed on a bigger label and apparently written a batch of songs that crush even the previous release.

If you dig those fine violins, the ideals of freedom, and melancholy, black metal style. Dawn Ray'd has a song for you.

Rating A+ Bandcamp Facebook 

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