
Thursday, April 9, 2020

Beam Me Up Scotty With Uncle Jameson of The Fistful of Doom Show

Do you like Metal?

Do you like DOOM METAL?

What about any other kind of metal that's not that metal, but a sincere sort of metal?

Of course you do.

Check out The Fistful of Doom Show.

Now, let's talk TREK.

1. Star Trek is the world's most perfect universe. In what show (era) would you be the happiest? Why's that? 

I really enjoyed the most recent movies with the young James T. Kirk and I've always casually enjoyed the original tv series.

I can remember my older brother watching that on the rare occasions that he would come and stay at my mom's. So I'll have to say the original era.

I haven't watched a millisecond of any other era.

2. In the second season of The Next Generation, Commander William T, Riker had to prosecute Lt. Cmdr. Data on whether or not he was sentient and not property. Where do you stand on this issue and why? 

If he walks like a duck and talks like a duck isn't he a duck.......? (Note: GET HIM INTERNET!)

3. The only time we ever got remotely heavy music was on the bus in Star Trek IV. Why do you think they've not pursued heavy music? 

That's an excellent question and something, as a casual fan, that I was totally unaware of. I'll go with this.... Star Trek always struck me as something more scientific and intellectual.

I'm not suggesting that you can't be scientific/intellectual and into heavy music, but from the outside I think that most people wouldn't expect someone to be.

So I think the creative types for the series and movies just didn't think it fit.

4. In the Star Trek TNG Novel, worlds, universes, and centuries collided when Peter David posited that Trelane from The Squire of Gothos, was actually a member of the Q Continuum. Do you think that's anything more than simple fanboyism?

Possibly. I confess that when I initially read this question I didn't have a clue what any of it was about (see first question where I mention casual fandom).

However, I asked my good friend Google to help me out and was able to educate myself a little. With that in mind and what little I read on this subject I don't think that it is too far fetched that he could have been a member.

 5. What's the most metal alien in the Star Trek Multiverse? 

 The Nibirans (thanks again Google)

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