
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Pandemic Dispatches with Paradise

We're all keeping on keeping on during this Pandemic. Let's check in with Paradise.

Isn't that precisely what we're all looking for right now? On a personal note, my family had our vacation canceled. As I type this, I should be driving back from Florida...had all gone like it was supposed to have...we'd probably be in Kentucky looking for Antique Malls bursting with records. 

Anyway, make sure you check out the BANDCAMP.

1. How are things going where you are? The laws and such. 

Well Here in Montreal One of the most badly hit cities in Canada, things are slowly opening up but there is little hope for indoor public gatherings, concerts, and such things.

2. How long have you been sheltering in place at this time? 

Lockdown has started around March 13, so about 2 and a half months so far, our last gig was a live radio show on March 4th, seems like forever ago

3. What has been cancelled on you that you were looking forward to?

We had a couple of gigs lined up but they were canceled, looking forward to anything live actually, attending or performing

4. How have you been passing the time indoors?

I’ve been editing videos for the band, we just released our 2nd clip “Hitting on all sixes” and are working on a series of live performances, stay tuned…

5. Loads of artists have been talking about how they're being creative. When the lockdown is over are ya gonna be ready to hit up the studio?

Yeah, we’re also working on some new stuff, probably an EP, for 2021

6. What crazy projects have you been considering since you’ve been in quarantine?

We’re thinking about burning a barn for a video, but I’m not sure if that is considered as “crazy”

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