
Monday, June 22, 2020

Vinyloscopy with Evertrapped's James Brooks

Let's learn a bit more about Evertrapped. You might recall their Classic Spins column from last month, but today, let's talk about records with them.

 There's nothing better in the world than those spinning circles if you ask this guy. If you're looking for a soundtrack to listen to whilst reading this, you might be interested in their latest VIDEO.

Now let's find out about those circles.

1. Listening to Black Sabbath's eponymous debut the night I got it blew me away. What's the album that sounds the best on vinyl compared to digital sources? 

I think that every album that was recorded before the «digital source era» sounds better on vinyl. The first reason is that these records have been designed and created to end up on vinyl.

Musicians didn't have all the little gadgets that came with the digital source. You couldn't repeat 600 times the same note just to make it artificially perfect. You really had to be a great musician when you had the opportunity to make a record.

That's the reason why the vinyl era has done so many great imperfect records that sound perfect.

2. I was laying in bed one night and couldn't sleep and I figured, it was time to start buying records. How did you come to the idea that it was time to start buying vinyl instead? 

We had a record player at home. My parents had a lot of records (some interesting!). My brother made me discover a few bands from the 70's on records that he had bought. When I started buying music, I used to buy used stuff (records and CD).

Records were cheaper to buy than CD. I could buy 3 used records for the price of 1 used CD.

3. For my old stuff, it's vinyl worthy, for new stuff, it's all vinyl if available. Do you buy everything on wax or do you have a vinyl worthy category?

No, it's more a sequence! I first discover a band or a record digitally. There is so much music to be discovered in our time. Then, if I really like someone's music, I'm gonna buy it. If I REALLY like a record and I know I'm gonna love it for a long time, I'm gonna buy it on vinyl if available.

4. My second living room is where I keep it all. Upstairs, my 1971 Sherwood 7100-S, Receiver, 1975 Pioneer PL-200, and 70's Sansui 5 way speakers. Tell us all about your vinyl set up.

I don't have a great speaker setup. I live in a place where I cannot play my music really at a big volume. Instead, I have invested in great headphones. I have different headphones depending on what type of music I listen to.

5. Do you read the lyrics and go over the inserts when you're spinning?

Absolutely, I read everything that's available! I think a record is a complete work of art. You have to look at it, hold it, and listen to it simultaneously. I am offended when I buy a record and the lyrics aren't included.

6. When someone says, I'm stupid for buying records, I tell them, thanks, more limited edition colored vinyl for me, what's your answer? 

I don't really answer! People will always find people stupid for a reason or another. Music to me is the most important thing. I have tried for too long to make other people understand that.

7. My first album ever was Live Evil by Black Sabbath, so I'm stuck on live albums. What's the best live album on vinyl?

Definitely Made in Japan by Deep Purple. That record changed my life when I discovered it. It changed the way I was looking at playing music. I made me understand the importance of musical improvisation and what a live performance really is.

8. Listening to records is my comfort food for my soul. As mentioned earlier, I have a living room dedicated to it. I normally drink a beer or two whilst listening to music I love. Describe your normal listening experience. 

Beer is cool. I like to take a moment to stop everything and just listen. There is always music surrounding me during the day at work or in my car but I'm doing something while hearing it.

I like to take a moment, sit down and just listen to a record without doing something at the same time.

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