
Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Beer Thirty with Illuminated Minverva


We're still neck deep into the pandemic and I dunno about you, but I'm drinking beers to help me deal with this bullspit.

So, along with Pandemic Dispatches, it seemed only appropriate to reactivate the Beer Thirty Column. Not only do I love beers, my readers love beers, and what self respecting metal head doesn't enjoy a good beer?

Today, we're talking to a Calgarian from Calgary, Alberta. I mean, that was obvious wasn't it? Anyhoo, Illuminated Minerva is totally into beer. 

But what about their music I hear you thinking. 

They play some instrumental prog metal. You can hear it over at their BANDCAMP page.

But for now, BEER!

1. My personal favorite beer style is the might Double India Pale Ale. The best DIPA in the world is STLIPA by Urban Chestnut. Tell me about your favorite style.

While I do love me a nice IPA I find the DIPA’s to be pretty strong!! I am more a fan of white IPA’s!! 

I like the unfiltered and citrusy flavours of the white beer but then still having some punch with a little hops in there!

2. Many international people have laughed at me for this, but American Beer is the best in the world. Not American Lagers, that piss water is best used for drinking 15 of them while you're at the karaoke bar, but American Craft Beer. 

Which nation is pumping out the best beer?

Well, I’m from Canada and though I do generally love German beer I think I will have to stand for my home country when it comes to craft beer!! 

Craft beer is huge here and there are new microbreweries popping up here constantly! In Alberta alone, there are over 120 craft breweries!!

(St. Louis alone has that many too....)

3. Even though I'm a giant beer snob, I'll drink beers that break the Bavarian Purity Laws. My personal favorite is Schalfly's Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout. It's a might 22oz of 10% ABV Stout aged in bourbon barrels. It'll warm your heart and soul.

What beers do you love that break Reinheitsgebot?

Well I actually have heard of the Bavarian purity law, I never knew it by it’s official name of Reinheitsgebot! 

Haha awesome!! 

Well, I think with being a big fan of craft beer I would have to guess that most of the beer I drink is not made from only 4 ingredients. 

I’m a big fan of Winter ales and they are definitely using cinnamon/nutmeg and other spices. In the summertime I drink a lot of fruity beer as well, even recently drank a sour that was made with actual skittles as in ingredient!

4. Right now, you couldn't pin me down and get me to give my favorite St. Louis Brewery, though Urban Chestnut's STLIPA does put them in the lead...but if you put a gun to my head, it's Schlafly Brewing. 

What do you think of your local brewers?

As previously mentioned there are many local breweries and I’m just a huge fan of how huge it’s gotten because I love to try them all. 

Some of my local fave breweries if I’m going to throw some shout outs are; Zero Issue, Annex, Cold Garden, Legend 7, Village.

5. Hops or Malt? Personally, I feel like a jerk for asking the question. Give me a malty Scottish/Scotch Ale or a hoppy DIPA...and I'm happy...but you gotta pick one.

I think I go more for Hops... but it’s crazy cause go too hoppy or the wrong type of hops it can ruin it for me. But I think my vote is for hops.

6. Whenever I'm road tripping. I'm always bringing back beers. Ohio, Great Lakes Brewing. East Coast, Yuengling. Western New  York. Genessee. What do you bring home?  

 Well, I think that is one of the great things about trying beers from out of province, is you never know what you are gonna get! 

Area codes AMIRITE!!! 


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