
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Pandemic Dispatches with Rebel Priest

Let's continue howling into the void of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Check out the latest release from Rebel Priest on BANDCAMP and in the meantime...

1. How are things going where you are? The laws and such.

Canada has had a pretty lucky go, especially where we are in Vancouver BC. with a limited amount of cases and the new “phase 2” coming into action allowing bars and pubs to open has reopened social life for us here in BC. 

Although, we still don’t get live shows, the community has gotten together harder than I think I’ve ever seen it. Everyone is hungry, everyone is itchy… this is the type of zeitgeist we’re experiencing, the NEED for a show is brewing and coming soon!~

We sheltered collectively for about a month, one of the 3 of us was what was deemed an “essential worker” so he really got the short end of the stick. 

AND I’d say that whole on work/off work situation has been very complicated; but we’ve come together as a crew… knowing that we were able to rely on each other the same way we did, as we were on tour, relying on the simple chemistry of the band. 

It was super refreshing to deal with each other on such an honest level… that's bein’ a band baby!!

WORST QUESTION hahaha… for real tho, we as well as many other bands had so many things cancelled this year; we lost 2 Canadian tours this year and are waiting on baited breath for JAPAN, we’d love to go back or get to our buddies on the east side of our great country (Villain, Skullfist, Luger, etc)… 

Some great local shows, Flotsam and Jetsam was scheduled for May 28… haha the more I bring up , the less I’d like to do this question… Let's pass for now, are we allowed to pass it on to next year ??

Writing songs of course!! when your jam space is huge, and your only a 3 piece… you can social distance safely and rock out hard as well… 

We’re a clean and generally healthy bunch; can’t say we were to stressed here, to be honest… BC , especially, Vancouver has seemed to dodge the worst of COVID19 thus far...

Oh, the Priest is always ready… but on a less “band pragmatic stance” , we like to have fun, writing together is fun for us… we do the best working together, we simply took the time to find what worked the best.

I could answer this all day long

For real though, what do I splurge….. hmm well we’ve been cooking up a DVD, a TV show, a NEW album amongst MANY other ideas… with all the time, we’ve talked about going in about every direction we can think of going. let's take things to the next level

How do we build a scene?? let's take this thing to the next level, how do we progress past covid19? as a global/musical population??

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