
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Pandemic Dispatches with Rivetskull

We are all looking to be heard in these dark times. Today, you can hear from Rivetskull. They're an LA based metal band.

Check out their latest video HERE.

1. How are things going where you are? The laws and such?

We are all located in the Seattle and Los Angeles area where the stay at home orders have been very strict.  

They have been allowing people to get back to work under certain conditions and requirements, but there are definitely no music venues opening and there is no expectation for that to happen anytime soon.

2. How long have you been sheltering in place at this time?

Forever it seems.  It has been about 2 months now.

3. What has been cancelled on you that you were looking forward to?

We had planned to be out touring to support our debut album release (February 2020).  It is tough not being able to get out and do shows. 

We did get to videotape one show before the world shut its doors and we put the whole thing on our YouTube channel.

4. How have you been passing the time indoors?


TV, working from home and writing new music.

5. Loads of artists have been talking about how they're being creative. When the lockdown is over are ya gonna be ready to hit up the studio?


We actually have demoed 10+ new songs and have booked time at the iconic London Bridge Studio in Seattle.  It looks like we will be releasing a second album before we get to tour for the first.  

We are actually very happy with the new songs so far and will be looking forward to working with Jonathan Plum at London Bridge (Alice in Chains, Queensryche, Zakk Wylde, Pearl Jam) as well as working with Matt Hyde again (Slayer, Seether, Deftones).

6. What crazy projects have you been considering since you've been in quarantine?


Building an underground bunker in the backyard so I can play at stage volumes again.  True story.   

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