
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Fresh Fries with Endast

Calgary plays host to the mighty metal force of ENDAST. It's time you get familiar with them. Here's a great VIDEO.

After you watch this video, hear the lyrics, the songs, and the amazing playing. Your first thought is going to be how you'd be willing, nay, begging to hear a treatise on their lives, philosophy, and influences.

Unfortunately, you've got an interview about Fast Food.

Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.

1. Let's not pretend.  Fast food is delicious. What is your favorite fast food joint?

It's a toss-up between Taco Bell and maybe Carls Jr.

2. When I was young, I remember hanging out at Hardee's eating roast beef (not their fried chicken), and smoking cigarettes at the table.

Tell me about some big changes at the place in your life or tell me which part of my sentence is the most surprising and why.

I remember little tin ashtrays at McDonald's and I also remember McDonald's Pizza being a thing. 

I'm happy to be rid of smoking in restaurants but they can bring that pizza back whenever they want.

3. In St. Louis, we have Lion's Choice. If you like roast beef, when you're here ya need to check the place. It makes Arby's look like an idiot. THE best fast food fries and great sandwiches. What's your town's local chain?

In Montreal, we have a greasy chain called "La Belle Province" that makes poutine and steamed hotdogs. 

They're amazing. In my mind when I think of the classic, quintessential poutine, I always think of that chain.

4. In the grand scheme of things, maybe this doesn't count, especially after the four glorious years we had with them, but here in STL, we don't have Tim Horton's. Tell me all about the place you don't have and why you need them?

We don't have In & Out here in Canada and we need it to open across Canada immediately. A lot of people in Canada haven't even heard of it.

5. We've had Culver's for about 15 years now and Shake Shack just showed up. So far, the only thing Shake Shack has going for it for me over Culver's is there's one in the city.

 What's the overrated out of town chain in your neck of the woods?

They just opened a Jollibee in my current city of Calgary and there's been a lineup down the street for it ever since. 

I haven't yet tried it myself, but looking at the menu, it can't be THAT good can it?!

6. Do you have a Del Taco in your City? If you don't have Del Taco, tell me about the other taco fast food joint you've got. What do you love or hate about them.

We don't have Del Taco here. I'm a big fan of Taco Bell, primarily because in Montreal, where I grew up, we didn't have Taco Bell until I was in my twenties, so the novelty factor hasn't quite worn off.

7. White Castle.

Only when I'm drunk, bud. 

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