
Monday, November 2, 2020

Sophomore Jinx with Fumarole

Is anyone else there looking back on their halcyon days in High School as we sit huddled in our homes drinking enough coffee to kill a plow horse?

Well, now you know where I'm at. 

Today, we're going to learn more about the Aussie doom/stoner band: Fumarole. 

What's most important though? They're debut LP is being pressed onto Transparent Green and Black vinyl. 

If you need your smoked out doom on wax...

Check out this LINK. Consider me excited.

There's some fun irony here though, our first trip back in time to High School was with someone on the other side of the world. In fact, we share no hemispheres even with these gents.

Well, let's get it on.

1. There is nothing more awkward than sophomore year of high school. Tell me about your circle of friends.

I had just found punk and it was not a big thing... yet. 

This was just prior to the emo/screamo explosion hit Australia. My group of friends consisted of other people into punk, metal, the outcasts and as cringy as it sounds we referred to ourselves as the awkwards. eww haha 

I was lucky in the way that my individuality wasn't shunned by people in the same grade as I was, this was not the same for people in the year above but I didn't care. 

2. By this time in my life, I'd given up on all extracurriculars in my school. Tell me about how you spent your afternoons.

I had started a punk band so most afternoons were spent practicing at my mates house, trying to download music from limewire or on myspace trying to be the coolest, oh god why???

3. During this time is when I finally discovered Pink Floyd. I had a copy of The Wall on cassette. It was a grey one. That album was my escape. Let's hear about your favorite album from back then. What format was it on?

Oh it was all CD it would have been Greenday's international superhits or NOFX. 

Mostly that's was what I dove into at the time. Anything skater punk I devoured.

4. What was the name of your high school and did you have a favorite class?

I went to Cleveland District State High School affectionately known as Cleve-hole. It was actually a nice school and now that I have left my sleepy hometown in the safe suburbs just outside of Brisbane I can see that now. 

I had a really cool class called Music Industry where we learned to set up P.A's and record and plan gigs and all that awesome stuff. I still use heaps of what I learned today. 

We also got to do a lot of extra band practice during that class. It was my favourite part of school.

5. How did your school's football team do that season? 

Our Principal was obsessed with Soccer and we even had a class where kids could learn about coaching it and the whole 9 yards. 

They did well, I however was not interested. I think some of the guys actually play pro now which is a spin out.

6. What instrument were you playing at that time?

I played a lot of guitar. I had my 4 chords and Blues scale and that's all I needed. Turn that shit up loud and play as fast as possible, what else does a kid need?

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