
Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Beer Thirty with Connor McCray of Vis Mystica

Lately, all anybody wants to talk to me about is damned high school. I mean, it's nobody's fault but mine, but I'm going to complain about my embarrassment of riches!

Thankfully, there's a band hailing from somewhere in the far off reaches of Pennsylvania. Former home of my grandmother and current home of my favorite mascot, GRITTY!

Here's a couple of guys who love themselves some Star Wars, so they're writing music. Finally, Nerdcore Metal.

Hey, I see you Powerglove.

Check out some Star Wars inspired metal on BANDCAMP!

1. My personal favorite beer style is the might Double India Pale Ale. The best DIPA in the world is STLIPA by Urban Chestnut. Tell me about your favorite style


Honestly, my favorite style to this day is Belgian anything, but namely Abbey beers. They have a wonderful caramel and chocolate subtlety to them that is just absolutely fantastic!

2. Many international people have laughed at me for this, but American Beer is the best in the world. Not American Lagers. That piss water is best used for drinking 15 of them while you're at the karaoke bar, but American Craft Beer. Which nation is pumping out the best beer?


While we do definitely have some awesome craft beers here in the states I’d have to say Belgium is still top of the pile!

Those monks seem to find delicious ways to kill our brain cells and get us drunk!

3. Even though I'm a giant beer snob, I'll drink beers that break the Bavarian Purity Laws. My personal favorite is Schalfly's Bourbon Barrel Imperial Stout. It's a might 22oz of 10% ABV Stout aged in bourbon barrels. It'll warm your heart and soul.

What beers do you love that break Reinheitsgebot?


Same as you!

There’s an absolutely wonderful Bourbon Barrel Aged Stout from Boulevard Brewing Company here in the USA.

Other than that I’m an Irish man by nature so I will drink anything with the word Guinness on it!

4. Right now, you couldn't pin me down and get me to give my favorite St. Louis Brewery, though Urban Chestnut's STLIPA does put them in the lead...but if you put a gun to my head, it's Schlafly Brewing. What do you think of your local brewers?


We’ve got a number of fantastic ones here in Pennsylvania! Erie Brewing Company, Lavery’s, Southern Tier, Eliccottville….

Though I’d have to say my favorite is Lavery’s; their bar has been my home away from home for years!

(NOTE: ELLICOTVILLE!!!!!!!!! Loved that when I spent some time in Upstate New York.)

5. Hops or Malt? Personally, I feel like a jerk for asking the question. Give me a malty Scottish/Scotch Ale or a hoppy DIPA...and I'm happy...but you gotta pick one.


Oh, I’ve got to go with the very hoppy Southern Tier Double IPA. It is delicious, but my goodness is it ever dangerous! I’m always reminded that I’ve had it when I wake up the following morning.

6. Whenever I'm road tripping. I'm always bringing back beers. Ohio, Great Lakes Brewing. East Coast, Yuengling. Western New York. Genessee. What do you bring home?  


Oddly enough I always bring home Leffe Brune from New York when I travel up there because it somehow has completely disappeared off the map here in PA!

To this day it’s one of my favorite beers and I can’t seem to find it anywhere in the state.

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