
Monday, January 4, 2021

Sophomore Jinx with Sinful Ways

It's a new year and a new Glacially Musical!

Nah, not even close. Here's the same ridiculous stuff I've been doing for years.

It's time to learn something about some folks hailing from Ottawa, Ontario. I'd make the suggestion that you check out their latest video. It's even right HERE!

1. There is nothing more awkward than the sophomore year of high school. Tell me about your circle of friends.

I’ve always kind of been a generally open person and back in high school it let me make friends with a bunch of different people - school from the sports teams to the computer science guys.

My main circle of friends was really diverse and was basically made from people dating each other…you could guess how that ended up.

Yeah, talk about awkward.

2. By this time in my life, I'd given up on all extracurriculars in my school. Tell me about how you spent your afternoons.

Back then I would either spend my afternoons playing video games, hanging out with friends or playing the guitar.

I was really into sports so I’d be juggling that with working out, playing rugby, or the Canadian classic – playing hockey. 

3. During this time is when I finally discovered Pink Floyd. I had a copy of The Wall on cassette. It was a grey one. That album was my escape. Let's hear about your favorite album from back then. What format was it on?

At the start of high school, I was really into punk. Sum 41, Rise Against, Blink 182 etc. Fast forward a couple of years later when I discovered “Rust in Peace” by Megadeth and it was a chain reaction.

I fell in love with riffs and fell in love with thrash. Another big album for me was “Led Zeppelin II” I’d play that front to back all the time.

Everything I listened to was digital but the first album I bought on CD was “kill ‘em all” by Metallica.

4. What was the name of your high school and did you have a favorite class?

I went to St. Peter’s high school in Ottawa.

I was always decent at math and chemistry but honestly the class I enjoyed the most was world religion. It felt very eye-opening to me and I was able to learn a lot of new things 

5. How did your school's football team do that season?

Our football team was always great. I think we won ¾ city championships in my last 4 years? Something like that 

6. What instrument were you playing at that time?

I’ve played always played guitar and piano. Honestly, I wasn’t that interested in playing guitar at first because my parents signed me up for lessons and it just seemed like a chore to practice.

I started really getting into it when I started picking up out of inspiration, wanting to learn songs from bands I liked. I also played trumpet, bass, and French horn in my school band.

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