
Monday, February 22, 2021

Cartoon Express with Stefan Winroth of Malsten

You know, as an American, sometimes I forget that there's life all around the globe because we're continuously fed about how America is the best, the alpha, and the omega. Honestly?

That's art of why I do these columns. Because I want to hear about what's going on in other parts of the world. 

Today we get to learn some more about Malsten from Sweden.

Let's go!

1. From a very early age, I gravitated towards anime. I never knew Speed Racer was anything other than just another cartoon.

What is the first one you watched that really shaped your tastes for years to come?

 Stefan: I am of that age when cartoons were hardly shown at all apart from Disney or some crappy things occasionally. Fortunately, at the same time as I learnt how to read, Sweden was totally flooded with horror comic books and magazines.

I bought and read everyone that I could get my hands on. Even at the age of six, I was very picky with mainly how it was drawn but also the stories. Of course, I read horror stories without pictures as well.

It is almost full circle as I am now in this wonderful band combining two of the things that I love the most. 

Tales of the zombie, Vampire tales, Creepy and Tales from the crypt were some great stuff. Just to mention a few that had quite an impact on my infant mind.

2. The Simpsons came about when I was turning 12. It was a great moment of transition for Americans to finally have animated shows geared towards adults as well as children. Tell me about your first cartoon that wasn't strictly for kids.

Stefan: I have to say that it probably was The Simpsons.

3. It would be unfair to ask you to name a favorite. So what do you love about your three favorite shows?

Stefan: In the Simpsons they often watched ”Itchy and Scratchy” on their TV. Love the utter violence and how they just laugh at it.

In South park is very much the same; the dark humor is what I love about it. You cannot really call Malsten a ”dark humoristic band” but nevertheless, at the core of it is dark stories that gives you a quirky smile.

4. The holy trinity of adult shows is The Simpsons, Futurama, and Family Guy. Tell me why your favorite is the best.

Stefan: The Simpsons was first and it had the largest impact on me and most of my friends because it seemed that no subject was taboo.

5. Let's hear about your favorite shows/movies from when you were a kid.

Stefan: Since there were almost nothing to watch back when I was a kid, I was happy around Christmas when some shows was aired and in the summer when sometimes Scooby-doo was shown on TV.

Stefan Winroth plays drums for Swedish Doom-band Malsten. 

Malsten’s debut album The Haunting of SilvĂ„kra Mill is available on limited vinyl from Interstellar Smoke Records and can be streamed from most digital platforms.

Find out more about Malstens Music:

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