
Monday, February 1, 2021

Sophomore Jinx with Alexander

When you just haven't ever had enough, you continue to listen, to enjoy, and to share what others have done.

We're hearing again from Alexander.

Check out their tunes HERE.

1. There is nothing more awkward than the sophomore year of high school. Tell me about your circle of friends.

I was known and well-liked by all of the different crowds in high school but never fit in any.  Hung out with a small group of outsiders who were cool people at the time.  I was very introverted but got on quite well socially also.   

2. By this time in my life, I'd given up on all extracurriculars in my school. Tell me about how you spent your afternoons.

Hanging out at the tech school where those of us who chose tech courses would get bussed off to, was much less douchery and much more chill. 

Would spend my afternoons listening to my Walkman – at that time would have been Peter Gabriel – Passion, Weezer - Pinkerton, Primus - Punchbowl, Tool – Undertow, Green Day - 1,039 Slappy Hrs, Dead Kennedys - Frankenchrist, Rush – Test For Echo, etc.

3. During this time is when I finally discovered Pink Floyd. I had a copy of The Wall on cassette. It was a grey one. That album was my escape. Let's hear about your favorite album from back then. What format was it on? 

My favorite album was probably Elevator To Hell – Eerieconsiliation.  I had seen the band live for the first time earlier that year and it forever changed my perspective.

4. What was the name of your high school and did you have a favorite class?

Moncton High School, however, my best memories were again, at the tech school you would get bussed to if you selected tech-related classes – favorite of which was Media Studies taught by a local legend named Andrew Campbell who was a massive force in molding who I am today, very grateful.

5. How did your school's football team do that season?

Lost to Harrison Trimble Trojans I think?  

6. What instrument were you playing at that time?

I was a drummer since 1991 and hadn’t really picked up any other instruments yet, other than trumpet.  The music teacher knew I was an established drummer with a bunch of gigs behind me so she made me pick another instrument as to not give me a free easy credit – I ended up making like 97 in the class playing trumpet but haven’t picked t up since.

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