
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Classic Spins with Chris from Owl Maker

It's interesting how certain features become more popular than others. Classic Spins has apparently hit the sweet spot for the bands in the world as the answers  have poured in.
So, like Beer Thirty, I'm going to have to just put out more than just one per week. 
Hopefully you're all into it as much as the bands!
Today we're looking at Owl Maker.  Let's just get right to it, but check out their BANDCAMP would you?
1. My favorite kind of album is the concept album. The Wall is my absolute favorite. Beyond the amazing songs, it has spectacular nostalgia for me. What's your favorite one and why?
Man, there are so many to pick from. “Them” is pretty great. “Joe’s Garage”, “My Arms, Your Hearse” and “The Downward Spiral” have all gotten some pretty heavy listens from me as well. 

But for the moment, I’d have to pick “Leviathan” by Mastodon.  Most people would probably say “Crack The Skye”, but I like it just a smidgen more. Hey, a whole album based on Moby Dick. How can you go wrong?
2. My very first album was Live Evil by Black Sabbath. Since then I've had a strong affinity for the live record, even if they're a bit fake. KISS set the bar with Alive!. Surely, it was fake, but it's got the best concert feel of any one. Tell me about your favorite live record?
 Probably “Live After Death” by Iron Maiden. As soon as the Churchhill speech cues up before “Ace’s High”, instant goosebumps.
3. There are a great number of records I've turned to for my moods. What do you listen to when you're angry? Sad?
Whenever I’m really bummed out, my go to album is Katatonia’s “The Great Cold Distance”. Man, is that record depressing. When I’m pissed, usually some death metal or 90’s hardcore does the trick.
4. One of my friends laughs at me, routinely, for loving the Misfit Toys of albums by major bands. Lulu by Metallica and Lou Reed, Carnival of Souls by Kiss, Diabolous En Musica by Slayer, etc.  What's the strange one that you love?
Heheh, no problem with that, man. Honestly, I never found “Cold Lake” nearly as bad as people make it out to be. Not saying it’s “Morbid Tales” by a long shot, but I’ve heard waaaayyy worse. 
The band photos on the back are way more egregious then any of the tunes on there. Seriously, I hope Curt Victor Bryant finally figured out how pants work.
5. It's almost fashionable to release live versions of albums or re-record the old ones. King Diamond is releasing a concert with Abigail front to back. Roger Waters has done The Wall twice. Which ones do you have in your collection?
I honestly don’t have any in my collection. Nothing against it, but that type of thing seems like something to be experienced live in person. 

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