
Monday, July 13, 2020

Pandemic Dispatches with Black Pestilence's Valax

Check out the latest record from Calgary's own, Black Pestilence.

It's all up there on BANDCAMP.

1. How are things going where you are? The laws and such.

After about two and a half months of quarantine, various provinces in Canada have lifted restrictions. 

This has resulted in the re-opening of various nonessential businesses and restaurants. 

Overall, I think Canada has reacted to the virus quickly and efficiently. 

Social distancing rules are still in effect but it is obvious that even in common places such as grocery stores, people are starting to not care as much. I am sure this is due to the fact that overall cases of the virus have started to decline significantly within Canada. 

The laws haven't been as strict as other countries (no mandatory masks, no curfew, no special ID cards, etc.) because most people, at least in Calgary, have been following the guidelines.

2. How long have you been sheltering in place at this time?

I isolated for over five weeks. After that, I got a new day job and began to slowly bring myself out of quarantine.

3. What has been cancelled on you that you were looking forward to?

We had many plans for Black Pestilence this year. In order to support our latest album, "Hail the Flesh", which was released on May 1st, we had to cancel a number of shows booked in May and June.

4. How have you been passing the time indoors?

I developed a routine to keep myself mentally and physically active. Normally, I would wake up at a reasonable time, practice bass, lift weights, read/watch the news, and go for a walk outside. 

I also took some time to learn and try my skills at video editing.

5. Loads of artists have been talking about how they're being creative. When the lockdown is over are ya gonna be ready to hit up the studio?

Since we just released an album at the beginning of May, we have no plans to write or record anything new. 

Once lockdown is fully over, hopefully, shows and concerts will resume in some sort of way so we can continue to promote our latest album.

6. What crazy projects have you been considering since you've been in quarantine?

I tried drawing a bit for the first time in my life. That's about as crazy as it has gotten. I hope one day I will be able to draw something good enough to show publicly.

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