
Monday, July 20, 2020

5 Min Origin Stories with Kavorka

I want to show you this band Kavorka and find out how they got it all started. They're from my favoritely named city in the world...

Reykjavik, Iceland.

Now, do you think they had anything to say about Icelandic Honey Week? It's almost like the Icelandic metal bands don't even give two craps about their honey.

Anyhoo...they'll be releasing their debut, Internal Rituals on glorious vinyl.

Keep an eye on their BANDCAMP in the meantime.

It's time to learn more about what makes them tick.

1. Is there an event you can point to you that made you say, wow, that's the instrument I want to play? Not like guitar or drums, but the reason why you play the model you do?

My answer is Kurt Cobain´s Fender Mustang. 

Although I´m not a left handed player and it was kind of weird seeing him holding it with the “wrong” hand it was still a beauty. 

I would also mention Dimebag Darrell´s lightning guitar, he could handle that guitar for sure!

2. How do you write a song?

We rarely sit down together and begin to write something, it just kinda happens. 

I´m usually thinking of a tempo and a rhythm and the riff itself just comes along. Usually some kind of a melody or a “feeling” the song needs to be in. 

We are a very bluesy/rock/sludgy band and everything that sounds like that sits well with all of us.
3. How many concept records do you own? Could you ever write one?

Well, our album “Internal Rituals” is loosely a concept album. 

Our vocalist Haukur writes all the lyrics so that´s really a question for him. Regarding ow many concept records I own, I really have no idea!

4. Who's influence is most evident in your music? The least?

My influences come from a very large spectrum of music. Having said that, I love Alice In Chains, Soundgarden, Nirvana, Pantera, Black Sabbath, Baroness, Every Time I Die, etc. 

These bands are a big factor in the thought behind Kavorka. But in general I love The Tallest Man On Earth, Ben Howard, John Mayer, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Wu-Tang Clan, Chelsea Grin, Meshuggah, and the list goes on and on, but we are in no way mixing hip hop and deathcore together.

If you like guitar driven sludgy/bluesy/rock/metal and deep lyrics you should definitely give us a listen. Regarding what influences us the least I would have to say overproduced sterile metal where it's almost as if everything is made in a computer. 

We like a little more “life” in our sound and recordings.

5. Which one of your songs is the one your the most proud of?

“The Cadavers” is a song I think both me and Haukur (lead vocalist) are nailing the dual singing in the chorus. “Black Halo” is kind of my favorite song on the album though. 

It combines stoner rock and alternative rock with clean singing and growling singing from lead vocalist Haukur, and I love that shit. It also has an acoustic guitar in the pre-chorus which is awesome.

6. Sum up your latest record for us.

Our album “Internal Rituals” is the outcome of us having a lot of different ideas at different times. It took a couple of years to get our asses in the studio but I think we nailed the outcome. 

The vibe of the album is exactly what we wanted, kind of raw but of course we did put some thought in the soundscape. We have songs that are more darker than others like “Great Peril” and then we have “Wino” which is more blues driven. 

We have harsh vocals along with clean vocals, guitar driven lead chapters and sludgy bass sounds at times. Melodies play a large part in our album and I highly recommend to give “Hindsight 20/20” a listen when it comes to melodies and opposites. 

It also has powerful lyrics that probably many can relate to and a powerful riff behind it. Later in the song a beautiful melodic chapter arrives which I am very proud of. 

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