
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Vinyloscopy with League of Corruption

Whilst you and I sit here worrying about what is coming next...remember MURDER HORNETS? Now it's secret police...

Well, while all that's going on and the world is burning around us, let's focus on the positives and get to know a band and their record collection.

Hailing all the way from Vancouver, British Columbia, we have League of Corruption giving us a look into their racks.

In the meantime, check out their southern sludge over on BANDCAMP, I'd say you should stream that stuff while you're reading.

Tell me I'm wrong.
1. Listening to Black Sabbath's eponymous debut the night I got it blew me away. What's the album that sounds the best on vinyl compared to digital sources?

For me, I love those old Sabbath records on vinyl. The self titled up to Sabotage. Also those old Creedence albums like Green River and Cosmo's Factory. 

The DLR era Van Halen records sound great. You also can't beat those Early Skynyrd albums and Sloppy Seconds by Dr. Hook and the Medicine show. When you listen to "When the Levee Breaks" off Zeppelin IV on those old 70's Realistic tower speakers for the first time, it's almost like a religious experience. 

You're hearing it the way it was meant to be heard. Those old ZZ Top records too! Those albums are on heavy rotation at my place.

2. I was laying in bed one night and couldn't sleep and I figured, it was time to start buying records. How did you come to the idea that it was time to start buying vinyl instead?

As a kid growing up in the late 80's/early 90's vinyl and cassette were getting phased out and cd's were starting to take over but my parents still had their record player which I've since been given, I also got their vinyl collection with it so that really gave me my start. 

I really started buying vinyl once I heard the sound quality difference and was old enough to notice the difference in those old analog recorded albums. 

The music doesn't just fill the room it makes the room come alive.

3.For my old stuff, it's vinyl worthy, for new stuff, it's all vinyl if available. Do you buy everything on wax or do you have a vinyl worthy category?

I'm not too picky, if I really like an album enough and it's available on vinyl, I'll pick it up. If there's only 1 or 2 songs I like, i won't pick up the vinyl. 

I like albums that I can just put on and not want to skip a single track.

4. My second living room is where I keep it all. Upstairs, my 1971 Sherwood 7100-S, Receiver,  1975 Pioneer PL-200, and 60's Sansui PL-200 speakers. Tell us all about your vinyl set up.

I'm running my parents old 1975 Realistic STA-76 through 2 1977 Realistic Optimus T-100 speakers (8" subs, midrange and 1 1/2 tweeters)

5. Do you read the lyrics and go over the inserts when you're spinning?

Usually when I'm spinning records I've got a few people over and we're having some drinks and shooting pool at my bar.

6. When someone says, I'm stupid for buying records, I tell them, thanks, more limited edition colored vinyl for me, what's your answer?

Actually, nobody's ever given me grief for buying records.

7. My first album ever was Live Evil by Black Sabbath, so I'm stuck on live albums. What's the best live album on vinyl?

Great question! I'm going to have to say my favorite live album on viny is AC/DC- If You Want Blood...You've Got It.

8. Tell me about your latest vinyl release

We're hoping to get the new League of Corruption album out on vinyl. We've got to move some cd units first to make that happen though.

9. Listening to records is my comfort food for my soul. As mentioned earlier, I have a living room dedicated to it. I normally drink a beer or two whilst listening to music I love. 

Describe your normal listening experience.

Usually, I'll put on a record when I've got some friends over and we'll just hang out and shoot some pool in my bar room downstairs and drink some beers.

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