The Electric Dunes of Titan |
Recently, your friend and humble narrator was finally able to acquire
most of the Monty Python CD Box Set at an Estate Sale.
Now there's a group of people, yes people instead of Englishmen, because Carol Celeveland was a defacto member along with being a woman, and she and Terry Gilliam were Americans.
(It really freaked me out when I learned that Carol Cleveland wasn't British by the way.)
What made the Pythons so amazing was their ability to basically do anything required of them in comedy. Monologues, musicals, feature films, surreal sketches, long form sketches, and at least forty seven other things that have been left out.
But in the end, even though they used every single tool in the Light Entertainment Department of the BBC and often times their work had nothing to do with what they'd done last time, it always rang true as Monty Python, even if the quality may have been lacking.