Danny Nichols: Hi, Gene
Gene Simmons: Good morning.
DN: It's really an incredible honor talk to you. I have been obsessed with KISS since I was about twelve years old and I've been in a couple of bands, both of which covered KISS songs. So it's really exciting to be talking to somebody who's an actual architect of this great material. I want to start by asking you about your coming appearance in St Louis. I know you are going to be in St. Louis from April 7th to 9th for the Wizard World comic convention and you're going to be doing a musical performance while you're there. I was wondering about the band you're going to be performing with at the Pageant here in town. Who's going to be in this band, who are the musicians that comprise this band?
GS: That there is a whole thing, boy that sounds like a paragraph, not a question. Usually it's do you like black or white, boom, then I go on and give the paragraph.
DN: I may have over thought this. I has been a long time waiting for this moment so...
GS: You are a powerful and attractive man! So this, Wizard World and getting up on stage and having some fun, combines two of my favorite things. KISS is in the middle of doing all kinds of wacky stuff, we're gonna be kings of the Mardi Gras in a few days in New Orleans, and we play the Superdome while we're there. So I'm sure there will be a lot of people in that stadium. And shortly thereafter, we'll play a few more casino shows, but then we'll move on to Europe, where we play the first show May 1st in Russia, on what they call May Day. That's when they bring out all the missiles and the tanks. I'm told Putin is going to attack and you'll see.
GS: You are a powerful and attractive man! So this, Wizard World and getting up on stage and having some fun, combines two of my favorite things. KISS is in the middle of doing all kinds of wacky stuff, we're gonna be kings of the Mardi Gras in a few days in New Orleans, and we play the Superdome while we're there. So I'm sure there will be a lot of people in that stadium. And shortly thereafter, we'll play a few more casino shows, but then we'll move on to Europe, where we play the first show May 1st in Russia, on what they call May Day. That's when they bring out all the missiles and the tanks. I'm told Putin is going to attack and you'll see.