Monday, November 2, 2020

Classic Spins with Homicide's Bryan Donahue

It's time to head over to Montreal and learn a little big about some Quebecois Metallers.

Check out all their tunes over on their site HERE.

1. My favorite kind of album is the concept album. The Wall is my absolute favorite.Beyond the amazing songs, it has spectacular nostalgia for me. What's your favorite one and why? 

I'd go with At war with Satan by Venom. Not an actual concept album but the first side is all one song. 
Some heavy riffing on that one and Venom is one of my favorite bands.

 2. My very first album was Live Evil b Black Sabbath. Since then I've had a strong affinity for the live record, even if they're a bit fake. KISS set the bar with Alive!. Surely, it was fake, but it's got the best concert feel of anyone.

Tell me about your favorite live record?

I'd have to go with No Sleep til Hammersmith by Motorhead.

3. There are a great number of records I've turned to for my moods. What do you listen
to when you're angry? Sad? 

Angry? I'd say Bonded by Blood Exodus and sad well I usually don't listen to music when that happens. 

4. One of my friends laughs at me, routinely, for loving the Misfit Toys of albums by major bands. Lulu by Metallica and Lou Reed, Carnival of Souls by Kiss, Diabolous En Musica by Slayer, etc. 

What's the strange one that you love? 

Rolling Stones Hot Rocks. Not really strange but maybe strange for someone who plays guitar in a thrash metal band.

5. It's almost fashionable to release live versions of albums or re-record the old ones. King Diamond is releasing a concert with Abigail front to back. Roger Waters hasdone The  Wall twice. Which ones do you have in your collection?

I have Slayer Still Reigning where they play all of Reigning Blood. 

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